Search results

  1. Suspect Device

    Coupon Distribution For eCommerce Site?

    I would like to hear from other members here, who have experience in distributing coupons for an ecommmerce site. I have the coupons done already, everything is working great with the cart software, and so on. Now I just need to know where to distribute/publish/submit them. These are the 3...
  2. Suspect Device

    Need Help - Tracking CPA Conversions

    So, exactly what the title says. I need help how to track CPA conversions. The thing is, I have partnered up with few website owners and FB page owners. I'll provide them with CPA offers, and they will post/publish them on their websites and FB pages. It is a partnership, but I need to set-up...
  3. Suspect Device

    How Do You Hide Your Trails Online?

    I have started to think about online privacy. I am interested in leaving my business and personal footprints online as few as possible. In one thread, I read that lukep (I think it was him), suggested a book by J.J. Luna "How to be Invisible" which is a great book to keep yourself under the...
  4. Suspect Device

    Shit Got Real. Hire Me. Details Inside.

    Hello all ballers here. I'll keep this short. Like the title says - Shit got real for me. And I am looking for a work. Short back-story: Since it is the end of the year, and the IRS of my country is getting really touchy about tax reports. They did an audit on me, and they didn't like couple...
  5. Suspect Device

    Hello. New to domaining, and I got my hands on this domain - My main aim is to sell it, because I don't have any plans with it. How much can I ask for it?
  6. Suspect Device

    Other places where to buy websites except Flippa?

    Hello. I was just wondering, if there are any other websites/networks/auction houses where you can buy websites, other than flippa? I have found a few via Google Search, but lulz, some of them had websites that were listed on 2007. Your suggestions would be awesome.
  7. Suspect Device

    Help me find the right software

    The thing is that I am looking for a software that will help me to manage and monitor my websites. What I am looking for the software to do: Websites are running or notGoogle ranking position (this one is priority)Backlink count That basically is it. I haven't done any research myself yet...
  8. Suspect Device

    Fucking consumerism. Rant inside.

    I'm gonna sound like a pussy here, and I am ready for the meatspin spam in this thread, but here it goes. This one is going to be a long one. I am 20 y.o., in August I'll turn 21. I live in Northern Europe, and I am about to blow my fkin head off. An interesting phase has come into my life - I...