Search results

  1. erifdekciw

    Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)

    anyone else heard about the stuff? i saw a couple videos and its interesting as fuck. especially because there have been some tests in other countries where people used it just one time stopped alcohol addiction or heroin addiction. i don't think because it messed with there minds physically but...
  2. erifdekciw

    How do you signup with tribal fusion?

    as an advertiser? there is no register or anything ive tried sending emails no response, and i've tried calling and it leads to a voice mail. Do i have to sign up as a publisher first or something?
  3. erifdekciw

    Is there anything "bigger" out there than current AM offers?

    The kind of money people pull in with acai, colon etc is pretty impressive but is there anything bigger than this out there? I don't think i've ever heard of some guy selling a shit load of TV's making like 50,000 a day in revenue or something. So as an individual is this as good as it gets...
  4. erifdekciw

    anyone know that website with all the marketing webinars?

    just a quick request, does anyone know that marketing site where they do webinars and do stuff like case studies on websites and a bunch of other marketing stuff? i dont know exactly if has something to do with them or not but its not the same website and i cant seem to find...
  5. erifdekciw

    anyone having problems with passwords on networks?

    On azoogle every time i log out i pretty much have to reset my password because for some fucking reason it doesnt wanna store my new password or something. Then on Convert2media i can log into there old site but there new site is useless it seems my login info doesnt even exist on there and...
  6. erifdekciw

    How Do You Stay Motivated?

    looking for some tips on how to stay motivated. went from earning around 10k a day to about 3k a day and the money isn't whats keeping me down i enjoy that kind of money being made but i think thats my problem. I've got to a point where i was making 10k a day and then i just sat on it and dint...
  7. erifdekciw

    does anyone work with search traffic as much anymore?

    since facebook, myspace and content network seem to have a better chance at success than a search campaign right off the bat (in my experience anyway). I'm just wondering if anyone has stopped using search all together or made a major shift from it towards media buys and ads on huge social...
  8. erifdekciw

    got my first cease email I think

    Im not sure if its a C&D, ill write it here and let me know what you guys think about the situation and if you think these guys are legit. Dear Sir/Madam: The undersigned law firm represents xxx, Inc. and (name of celeb). The WhoIs data base lists Domains by Proxy, Inc. as the...
  9. erifdekciw

    You have reached and exceeded your budget..

    i've been getting this message for about 5-6 days now. doing a google search came back with the account is probably under review. Its been over 5 days now so i don't know if that's the case or not anymore. the account actually spends 500$ everyday then stops. the limit on each campaign is well...
  10. erifdekciw

    Quick Shout Out To Copeac Team, Great People...

    My dad passed away on Monday and I let my AM Frank know what had happened since I hadn't talked to him in a couple days and today i received a basket of flowers to my house and to my surprise the card said it was from the copeac team. Since day one they helped me with any problems I had and...
  11. erifdekciw

    Has anyone figured out how to get content network running again?

    I can't seem to get the content network to stay up longer than an hour or so. I got search keywords to stick but i can't get the content network to stay up using the same keywords. anyone having similar problems?
  12. erifdekciw

    how much per click are you paying at myspace?

    i know im probably paying a shit ton more than i should right now but all this traffic seems really crappy. like it wouldnt even be worth it at 10 cents a click. easily spent over 1,400$ yesterday on myspace traffic which came out to about 40 cents a click 4,000 clicks. 50 click throughs and 1...
  13. erifdekciw

    google now deactiving accounts running acai

    I saw this off another forum and thought i would share it with you guys here....
  14. erifdekciw

    anyone who was google slapped. are you able to get your content ads back up?

    I got slapped about a week ago and ive been able to get my search ads back up and running fine but i can't seem to keep my content ads alive for more than a few hours after they start getting traffic. is anyone having the same problem or know if theres a catch? its for a diet related niche and i...
  15. erifdekciw

    anyone here focus mainly on SEO rather than PPC?

    interested in knowing if anyone here focuses mainly on seo rather than ppc for a offer? something big with a name behind it is good to start doing SEO for because it will bring its own traffic over time. But i want to know if anyone does it for regular offers and are you having any success with...
  16. erifdekciw

    hows everyones bounce rate recently?

    my landing page which was doing fairly well with about a 30-40% bounce rate which i had previously fixed from a bounce rate problem has now seemed to come back some how and i din't change anything. 550 clicks purchased. 200 made it through to the advertisers page. my conversion rates are great...
  17. erifdekciw

    Is having a good quailty score pointless in the end?

    I have a 9/10 on a bunch of my keywords and went from paying 3$ a click down to about 1.40$, was doing great was 1-5 on the ad positions with that and all of a sudden i start to see my ad position drop and i never touched the pricing again after 2 weeks. i left it at 1.80$ max or something and...
  18. erifdekciw

    The Real Reason For Bail out.. Is it all coming together now?

    YouTube - **FLASH** The REAL REASON For The Bailout (Hint: FOREIGNERS) First our economy "collapsing", fear mongering pushed the bill through saying the economy would turn to shit if it din't go through... and now we find out is not for us? People finding out about it and getting really...
  19. erifdekciw

    anyone work with eadvertising?

    have you gotten paid yet? they usually pay every monday for me and well.. its Wednesday and i haven't gotten anything yet.
  20. erifdekciw

    how do you deal with horrible bounce rate?

    recently i've noticed that on one of the new offers i've been running that the bounce rate seems to be getting higher and higher. at first i was getting a bounce rate of about 25-35% which is pretty good being that my AM tells me the average bounce rate is around 50% for that product. now time...