Search results

  1. erifdekciw

    Their on to us!

    LOL i fucking cracked up reading that shit. You guys need to change up your campaigns bros their on to you.
  2. erifdekciw

    WF should have a web chat feature

    You know how some forums have the little web chat option embedded in the forum? Why not do that here? I think people tried to do the skype thing or setup a vent server and that never worked out. So why not put a chat room on the site? Yay or Nay?
  3. erifdekciw

    Who Do You Ask For Feedback On Your Projects?

    So lately I've been working on a bunch of new niches that I have no idea about. I never really ask for feedback from anyone online in the business for fear of competition or someone will replicate the ideas. I can't really ask anyone offline because most of the feed back I get from people I know...
  4. erifdekciw

    Easier way to make websites?

    So a big problem I have with getting work done is the fact I hate coding and I hate building websites. I think its tedious and it ruins my work mood. I know how to build websites and create most things I need for a website, but I'm also terribly inefficient at it. So I've always wondered if...
  5. erifdekciw

    how to pass user information to advertisers page?

    I am trying to pass on name, email and other relevant information to the advertiser page so it auto fills in. Is there a way I can do this or would I need to get the advertiser to put some code on his page to do this? If I don't need to can anyone help me on how I would pass this information...
  6. erifdekciw

    Photoshop To HTML?

    I'm not every good with HTML and all the advanced stuff. I know enough to do almost anything, but one part that always prevents me from creating my own websites is going from photoshop to html and editing the page. I know how to slice and export and all that, but when it comes to editing the...
  7. erifdekciw

    Anyone Pushing Credit Reports Legit?

    Is anyone running credit report offers here? namely and doing it legit? meaning no shady craigslist, shady ppv etc. Just a simple landing page promoting credit reports? I've been testing the hell out of credit report on search lately and nothing I've tried is working. Like...
  8. erifdekciw

    What do you use to research?

    One thing I lack in when it comes to launching new campaigns is the research information behind the product like the demographic. I use things like alexa and what not to see if theres any demographic info but to be honest there info is probably far from accurate so I rarely rely on it. What...
  9. erifdekciw

    Prosper 202 fail or hack?

    Couple days ago i was testing a new campaign and everything worked out great so I setup my prosper tracking after 2 days of running the camapign. After setting it up. i didn't put the prosper code that suppose to go on your site because I don't really need the tracking and it's always giving me...
  10. erifdekciw

    Does your mind ever go blank when your working?

    For the past few weeks I've been feeling really out of it when working on stuff. When I'm not working I think of new ideas for campaigns and if im having problems with a campaign I can usually figure out why pretty easily why my campaign is not working... But when it comes down to actually...
  11. erifdekciw

    Skincare offers.

    Anyone running skin care offers? Hydroxatone to be more specific? Is anyone converting this shit with good epcs? It has the terms plastered on the payment page which I think is scaring people away, but my AM says its network epc's are like 3-4$. I've tried 5 different landers and I can't get...
  12. erifdekciw

    Need help with some simple java stuff...

    I never mess with java, but what I need seems like a pretty basic thing to do. Heres what I need help with. I have a text box and enter button setup I just need it to display different results for a certain range. For example lets say I want the person to enter results 1-100, but I only want...
  13. erifdekciw

    Are you a marketer or a straight up liar?

    I've always wondered about peoples tactics in this industry. Are you a real marketer? Or are you just good at deceiving people? Do you need a dark side to make it in this industry? We all work for ourselves. We don't work for a certain company with a marketing team or with budget to play...
  14. erifdekciw

    Is it normal for a network not to pay weekly on certain offers?

    To make a long story short I moved my traffic over to a network i worked with while back and have good history with. I am pushing good volume with a certain offer. then the offer goes dead on this network like it did on the previous network. So instead of switching to another network and not...
  15. erifdekciw

    PPV positions

    how does this work exactly? From trafficvance i think i remember reading that its something like this 1. 30-45% of traffic for first spot 2. 25-35% 2nd 3 15-20% 3rd or something around there.. Does anyone know the process on how the 2nd and 3rd place spots get the traffic? Is it like...
  16. erifdekciw

    Anyone have a email list and make constant money off it?

    I've tried to do the email list thing in the past, never took it serious enough. I would usually start a campaign to capture emails, but never got very far and would lose interest. Now i started up a new offer and have the chance to capture emails and still hopefully profit from the campaign...
  17. erifdekciw

    Go ! Bwaaah !

    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
  18. erifdekciw

    ufc 121

  19. erifdekciw

    Is it possible to stretch side slices?

    So i just sliced up a site in photoshop like so... Now when ever i try and expand the site with content the content section expands so now i need to know if its possible to make the side bar slices expand or stretch to make it keep up with content section and not just make the image move down...
  20. erifdekciw

    Ohhhh SunnyD and Rum

    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.