Search results

  1. C

    REdo the PM system to show previous messages in the quick reply box?

    Doesn't need to much explanation I guess.... it would make a lot easier.. if we could have a record of the previous messages when reading a PM. people don't use the "reply" option so is there anyway you guys can make the previous messages show in the quick reply box?
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    Has anyobdy tried these memory/IQ improvement courses?

    hey guys, I just wanted to know if you any of you has had any luck with these courses? memory optimiser by paul scheele and vera F birkenbihl Einstein factor by win wenger brain boosters by win wenger Genius code by paul scheele and win wenger.
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    drop in traffic to a site in wedding niche

    hey guys, i have a site in the wedding niche that was at the #1 spot from 21-26 january and was getting decent traffic. it dropped to the 2nd page but now after some linkbuilding its back on #1. But to my dismay, I'm getting only like a third of the traffic I was getting in january. not a...
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    [WTB] Looking for someone who can put together a simple script

    hey guys, I am looking for someone who can write a bot, script to do this for me. go to an amazon page/or list of amazon pages I input into it and fetch for me all the product titles for me and output them in a format where I can copy paste them. regards
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    amazon scraper that can scrape bestseller product titles

    hey guys, anyone knows of a good scraper that can scrape product titles off amazon category bestseller lists. thanks
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    exact match .org for sale keyword has 110k exact US searches/month

    hey guys I'm selling the keyword has a CPC of $2 and search volume 110,000 exact US, and 135,000 Global monthly Price $30
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    is selling website to adword advertisers a good idea?

    i could not think of any other section to put this in. well so an idea just popped up in my mind. I was wondering if it would be agood idea to try and sell your website to companies that advertise on it through google content network? for instance i have a mini-site targeting a certain...
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    google keyword tool captcha problem in IE - please help

    hey guys, I'm having a really weird problem with google keyword tool when trying to run it in Internet explorer (version 8.0) when i enter the captcha a new one appears and this goes on and on even though i'm putting the right captcha. the keywortd tool works fine in FF which is all the...
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    500 scrapebox autoapprove blogengine domains - $5 only - 2 FREE review copies

    Hey guys, I'm going to get straight to the point. I'm selling a list of 500 autoapprove blogengine domains. You can use fast poster to blast these links. ALL ARE AUTOAPPROVE. PRICE IS JUST $5 Also, only 20 copies of this list will be sold. 2 FREE REVIEW COPIES are available to help...
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    how to monetize female traffic in the 40-45 age bracket

    alright guys so i have a site which has demographics of women in the 40-50 age group. i am getting like 600 uniques per day. already have adsense. what affiliate stuf could i add to it to generate like an additional $20-40/day from this traffic. please give me suggestions :) thanks ahead
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    cant load

    I am so frustrated. for the past 4 hours i have been unable to load from my main IP. it works fine with a proxy. i dont know why that would happen but its not the first time that i have been unable to load a particular website only. its happened before with another website as well. I...
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    Micro niche site creation service + Guaranteed google rankings!!

    How does it sound to make money on autopilot from websites that I create and rank for you while you sit back and relax? If it sounds good, read on... Introducing my micro niche site creation service. I won't bore you with a long sales pitch, so let me just list down what my service...
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    Is there any way to fliter 3 word keywords from ahuge list of keywords?

    Ok guys so I have a huge list of 2,3,4 word keywords. i would to separate the 3 word keywords. is it even possible? any ideas would be appreciated.
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    high CPC keywords risky for adsense account??

    Hey guys, I was just wondering if high CPC keywords $3-4 per click are risky to use for micro niche sites? I mean if the advertiser is paying $4 per click and our site's traffic doesn't convert well for him, could it put my adsense account in danger? Would it be better to go for $0.5 CPC...
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    always use a different email for your facebook account!

    just a tip for my fellow IMers. many people seem to use the same email for corresponding with IMers that they use for facebook. i know this because i often check people whom i deal with email in facebook and more often than not i am able to find their facebook profile. well i am sure not many...
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    200 weight loss articles available for sale

    Hey guys I had one article spun into 200 50-60% unique articles. The niche is weight loss and the articles read great for spun content. Price is $5 only. if no one buys today I will pull the offer down and use them myself.
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    This website will guess whatever number you think of correctly everytime!

    Regifting Robin LOL - been scratching my head over how it does this. EDIT:figured it out lol.
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    Need help with getting my site to #1

    hey guys So i'm trying to get my site to the #1 spot in google for a micro niche keyword. I have 4 articles other than homepage on it. I also have EMD and 150+ links from PR3+ blog pages. But for some reason, i'm can't seem to move to the top page. I was at #52 and no amount of blog comments...
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    Website development/software engineering degrees in the UK/US

    Hey guys I was wondering what's the best degree to pursue if I want to learn web development and software programming. Preferably one that has good commercial value as well. Anyone has any ideas? I have done A level in purely commerce subjects, no science. I am currently studying chartered...
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    AWSTATS error message

    hey guys When I click on the update button in my awstats panel, I get this error message "Error: Log is currently being processed in the background. Can not update" ... I haven't made any changes or anything recently. I couldn't find anything on google so please help me fix this issue...