Search results

  1. Ar Scion

    Budget: $300. Goal: $100/day. Is it possible?

    I started out at $0 when I joined WickedFire. Today I have $300 in the bank. I read like a bookworm, wrote articles like a madman, picked a method (polls), used the PPC-Coach $1 promo. I feel like I'm ready. But I'm taking a risk. My $300 is all I have for six months. If I lose it, I'm fucked...
  2. Ar Scion

    John Yoo vs Jon Stewart

    John Yoo was graceful, intelligent, logical, witty everything the GOP needs right now to counteract the Palins and Becks. Left Jon totally flustered, which you don't see very often. Video: John Yoo Pt. 1 | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
  3. Ar Scion

    Nigga trying to scam me!

    I posted a thread offering free logo design, and I got a PM from Zsaleem. He wanted me to design a logo for "Allegiance Petroleum" Googled it, found some scammer solicited designs for "Allegiance Petroleum", offering $50 contest reward and didn't pay up. Of course, it happened on Digital...
  4. Ar Scion

    Help me build my graphics portfolio.

    I'll design a banner/logo and put them up here. First job is for fun/free. PM me.
  5. Ar Scion

    Bug: Sent messages not showing in PMs

    Just what the title says. I've replied to several PMs and they have received it, but none of them are showing in my sent items.
  6. Ar Scion

    Hay I wraith u goods continents 4 intrent morketing. CLICK FASST HEAR NO!

    Just kidding. Hi, I'm Josh and I'm looking to try my hand at content writing. Content that will make me rich, you richer, and my mother proud. Since this is my first foray into the field, I won't set rates or promise commercial content yet. I'll just do a few review copies, if you promise to...
  7. Ar Scion

    Good content writing: Show me now!

    "Tell me what you want. I can make it happen." I want to write content for wickedfire>sell/buy/trade. There is one problem though- I want to know what people want. "I want a review copy. Topic is Yellow Submarines." A review copy of an article, but what is it supposed to be like? Do they...