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  1. Ar Scion

    Meanwhile in feminist comic book land...

    The Big Sexy Problem with Superheroines and Their 'Liberated Sexuality' - ComicsAlliance | Comic book culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews I don't read comic books, but this article had me defending imaginary comic book characters from stupid feminists.
  2. Ar Scion

    But doesn't the gold standard idea suck?

    I've always heard about how the gold standard is a good thing, and getting off the gold standard was a cheap, nasty shortcut to temporary bubbles, boom-bust cycles and wasn't good for the country's health. But then I heard someone say that tying the dollar to the gold standard chains economic...
  3. Ar Scion

    Bookmarks organizer (you got one?)

    Do you bookmark pages a lot? I do. Across browsers, across computers, I probably have thousands I've accumulated over the last few years. Some of them are actually pretty useful, so I'm looking for a nice, freeware tool that helps me organize them. Chrome's bookmarks manager sucks.
  4. Ar Scion

    Concealed Carry Arrest

    Concealed weapon carrier threatened with execution for failing to inform officer of his concealed carry. Nigga... ‪Dash Cam: Canton PD "Notification" Arrest & Officer Goes Berserk / Threatens‬‏ - YouTube
  5. Ar Scion

    Keepass and computer crashing

    I know some of you niggas use keepass. How is Keepass data stored? I don't want it all stored on PC when my PC crashes.
  6. Ar Scion

    Don't be leakin' on da leakerz!

    WikiLeaks Threatens Its Own Leakers With $20 Million Penalty | Threat Level | Wikileaks advocates, what say you? :uhoh2:
  7. Ar Scion

    F*ckin Arab Terrorists

    Mall bomb: FBI identifies suspect in attempted bombing at Colorado mall - FBI identifies suspect in attempted bombing at Colorado mall. His name: KHALID SHEIKH AL- Just kidding. It's Earl Albert Moore.
  8. Ar Scion

    Bullshit on the border?

    Immigration is a bit of a personal issue for me. I've been following the debates and looking at how both sides deal with the issue. And I'm confused as hell about what's actually going on with the border. On one side we have people saying Mexican drug dealers and invading, headless bodies are...
  9. Ar Scion

    Fix yo diets, homies.

    YouTube - Sugar: The Bitter Truth
  10. Ar Scion

    Finally, we're killing Mexicans!

    Agent: I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico - CBS Evening News - CBS News Probably the most fucking up thing I've read while WF was down. Can't believe we're fuckin' doing this. On top of funding them by buying their drugs.
  11. Ar Scion

    How You Can Pull a GE on Taxes

    ROI: How to Avoid Paying Income Taxes -
  12. Ar Scion

    WTF GE paying no taxes on profits LOL

    Jon Stewart Rips GE, Obama Over Taxes & NBC For Not Covering It (VIDEO) Watch the video. Is it true, man?
  13. Ar Scion

    My 10 year old sister and PPC

    I just got one of those status updates saying my sister has liked "White Shark Media" on Facebook. She's too young to know what SEO/PPC is, so this is obviously some sort of marketing thing behind this. Are they paying kids to like stuff on FB?
  14. Ar Scion

    Keyword placement

    I have a main keyword phrase and a few secondary keyword phrase. I'm setting up a wordpress blog and wondering whether the blog title should include just the main phrase or should I try and squeeze as many phrases in as possible. For example, I could go with [banana bread] or [banana bread...
  15. Ar Scion

    Four Lions

    Anyone seen this movie? Funniest terrorism movie I've ever seen. Had me laughing so hard I cried. It's on megavideo if you're too lazy to get it legally. Warning: British accents. Might need subtitles.
  16. Ar Scion

    Looking for some comfortable footwear, my crackers!

    I want em to be comfortable. I don't wanna have to spend 40 minutes a week dealing with shoelaces. Tuck em into the shoe and go! Good grip in snow/ice would be a plus, if there is such a thing. Price range: Under $250 What are you guys wearing?
  17. Ar Scion

    Quit smoking more than 3 months ago, still have cravings

    What the fuck. I used to be fine for weeks at a time. Now it's like at least once every 2-3 days I'm craving this shit. Been debating a trip to the store for at least 45 minutes now. I know there's like neurological changes, neuron pathways that get readjusted and shit, but 3 months should be...
  18. Ar Scion

    Hospitals ripping you off

    I recently went in to get my blood pressure checked and got charged 95 dollars. Hospitals are scams, bros. I did some research and found out they been scamming the fuck out of people. Charging 10 bucks for those pill cups, 12 bucks for tissues, and people don't know because the bill wasn't...
  19. Ar Scion

    Why I flattened three villages

    Thought provoking article. ‘Why I Flattened Three Afghan Villages’ | Danger Room |
  20. Ar Scion

    Why I trust the cops...

    ..not. Those 33 terrorist groups in Ramsey County? It was "a very big lie" | Twin Cities Daily Planet Fuckin' tit.