Search results

  1. D

    Load balanced and scalable hosting for wordpress

    Hi All, The work I do as part of my day job involves building fault tolerant and redundant systems for large enterprises. This usually involves buying millions of dollars worth of hardware, plumbing it all together and monitoring it once it's in. Most companies are starting to move towards...
  2. D

    Site backup

    Anyone care to share their business/site backup strategy? I have around 50 sites shared between 3 or 4 hosting providers and I don't really have a 'unified' backup strategy for them all. I'm thinking of either doing some sort of nightly extract of the database, plus downloading the files to...
  3. D

    Somebody code this idea

    Maybe there's something like this already... dunno But I would love an app (could be SaaS, probably even better as a SaaS app) that would look at the link profile of your site (could even suck the data from open site explorer) and then categorize each link so you could build up a backlink...
  4. D

    Shopping price comparison sites

    Don't know if this belongs in the newbie section, but it's a newbie question for me anyway.. For those of you (if any) that have started a price comparison niche site, what the easiest way to get the URL product data? eg. "Fleshlight model 12XXL" is on these 12 URL's and it's the same...
  5. D

    Polish translator needed

    For the tl;dr crowd, This post has nothing to do with AM. I have a crazy Polish ex-wife who is being the most difficult, vindictive bitch imaginable. She lived in the UK for a few years (01-05) and told me at the time that she was required to pay tax in both the UK and Poland, but never paid...
  6. D

    Need to find a blogger who knows and loves MMA

    I'd like to find someone who wants to write for a (relatively) established MMA news blog running on WordPress. I'll give you a login and you can write 2500 words per week on whatever MMA subject you feel like and upload a relevant pic for each article. These 2,500 words per week can be split...
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    Facebook Advertising Feedback

    Anyone else get this email? Hi Facebook Advertiser, We would like your input about your advertising experience on Facebook. Please take a few minutes to complete a short survey. Your candid feedback is greatly appreciated. Click here to begin the survey. (URL removed because it's...
  8. D

    T202 variable passthrough

    Does anyone know if I can pass a variable through tracking202 and have it come out the other side unchanged? For example, if my link URL from (eg.) google is: Out the other side of T202, can I get it to output...
  9. D

    Yahoo Publisher Network Placement Report

    Does anyone here know how the hell I can run a placement report on the "content match" results on YSM? I can do this on google by running the placement report and adding poor performing sites to the blocked domain list, but I can't work out how to run a placement report on YSM. It also looks...
  10. D is asking for my Keyword list..

    Hi All, I recently started working with is They emailed me the other day asking where all my traffic comes from and I replied that it's from paid search with the big 3. They asked why no referral or keyword information is being passed to them and I replied it is being removed by...