Search results

  1. AngryFiver

    Adobe Acrobat Pro - How Do You Re-number Pages?

    I already did a G search and Youtube search and I can't find an answer to this. I edited a PDF using Adobe Acrobat Pro but it left me with two problems: 1. The thumbnails page total doesn't match the actual pages 2. The pages on the thumbnails don't line up right with the actual pages How do...
  2. AngryFiver

    Today's Typical Overweight Woman

  3. AngryFiver

    Client Work and NDAs

    How many of you who do client work sign NDAs? I've had a couple of clients now require me to sign them (usually right after they send them over and before I can even have a chance to read it). My stance on this is, "Go fuck yourself." For one, I'm not a lawyer and why would I sign...
  4. AngryFiver

    Who Exactly Is Controlled Opposition?

    I've heard this term pop up now and again on here. Usually it's when someone brings up Alex Jones or one of those guys. People seem so sure about the fact that some of these people aren't who they seem to be. Yet, I can't believe that there are tell-tale signs that a person leading a movement...
  5. AngryFiver

    Movie Review: The Place Behind The Pines

    Just watched this last night and thought it was one of the most unique films I've seen in years. It's novelistic in nature, with basically 3 chapters that are held together by circumstances. It's a film about legacy, the sins of our fathers, and how one person's decision can affect the life of...
  6. AngryFiver

    The Unofficial Goldman Sachs Guide To Being A Man

    Not a GS fan but I do like their unofficial blog. It's a year-old article but definitely worth revisiting. The GSElevator Guide To Being A Man - Business Insider
  7. AngryFiver

    What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid Of Being Sued?

    Pretend that you were in a position where it didn't matter if someone sued you, be it an individual or a company. What would you take advantage of?
  8. AngryFiver

    Great Copywriting Courses

    Anyone here taken a really good copywriting course? I've read Cashvertising and Tested Advertising Methods but wanted to know if there's another course out there to take to supplement this reading.
  9. AngryFiver

    Is Anyone Manning The Help Desk?

    Changed my password and email and now I can't get into my old account. I sent in 2 PM's to mods but never heard back. Can someone get back to me so I can get my old account back?