Search results

  1. W

    Insanity or P90X for overwieght, but fit Person?

    I am 6 foot and weight 205lbs. The problem is, I am all fat, with a big belly. I want to loose weight and build muscle. I have my meal plan down. Now for an exercise regement. I do a fitness bootcamp a couple of times a week and run 3 miles a day 3 times a week. So cardio wise, I should be...
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    $50 FB Coupon Code

  3. W

    I need a Magento Designer to Change the Color Scheme of my Template

    I need a Magento Designer to Change the Color Scheme of my Template. Project shouldnt be too hard nor take too long to complete. But, I am no designer. Let me know the cost and time ASAP Thanks
  4. W

    Need the colors on my Magento theme changed.

    I need some one to change the colors on my Magento theme. PLease let me know price and timeframe. There are only three or four colors. But, I dont know how to change them :) Thanks
  5. W

    What are your Thoughts on This? Iraqi Dinar Trading???

    New Iraqi Dinar : Buy Safe Dinars : Sell Iraqi Dinar : Latest Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate Value for Sale : Iraqi Dinar News Forum : Iraq Bank : Dinar Banker :
  6. W

    Any Recommendations for Custom nutrition/meal plans?

    I am looking for a professional dietician, without having to go to a wieght loss clinic. I do not need to lose wieght, just fat - and build muscle. I have worked hard to get down to 198lb's (6 ft), but my stomache is huge 41inches. Anyway, I need to relearn how to eat and eat to achieve my...
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    Who Does the Gov't think they are? They want of control the Internet

    US court demands WikiLeaks' Twitter account info - Yahoo! News
  8. W

    Is it possible to view an old version of a Single web page? (2010 Prophecies)

    There were a few prophecy threads last year so I thougt I would ask here. I am curious if this page Prophecies For 2010 has changed. Some of the things seem way to spot on to have been predicted. I was curious if they changed their prophecies later in the year. It would be nice to see what this...
  9. W

    I Need 6000 Product Descriptions Rewritten

    ADHD Version: Starting a new ecommerce site. Using feed from the vendor. Site has 6,000+ products and the descriptions need to be written to be unique. I am thinking 200 words per description. Each description needs to be unique and not spun. Here is the kicker. Most of the products are the...
  10. W

    Is this A good TV? Gonna break down and get rid of my Projection TV

    Vizio E550VL 54.6 LCD HDTV - 1080p, 1920x1080, 16:9, 100000:1 Dynamic, 120Hz, 8ms, USB, PC Input, 3 HDMI at I dont know if the refresh rate and contrast are good. I watch a lot of sports and play a lot of video games.
  11. W

    Need Bulk Upload products into Zen Cart from CSV

    I have CSV's with the product info, small pic and large pic. I need these uploaded to a Zencart store. Please PM me price and timeframe. Thanks
  12. W

    Any Magento Designers and Programmers here?

    I need a Magento Design and some programming done. Anywone here have that ability? Please PM me a portfolio and contact info. Attributes of a user-friendly site: · Clean design · Easy to navigate nav menus · Superior product search features · Simple check out...
  13. W

    Wieght Loss/fitness Question from my Wife for all you WF Challengers!

    First, thanks to the WF challenge over the summer, I decided to join a local fitness bootcamp and get in shape. Since July, I have lost 13 pounds and 8 total inches from my body. Last Sat. I ran my first 5K and finished 9th in my age group at 28:53. Here is the problem. My wife is doing the...
  14. W

    New Page was listed in SERPS/Disappeared Is this normal, or is something wrong?

    I am working on a site that is 10 years old and very established. I got a WP blog setup on an extension las week and made a couple of posts. One of the posts listed on page two of google for its keyword within 24 hours, but then disappeared. It has been out of the SERPS for a week now. Is this...
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    The Government is Just Going to Keep on Till they Control the Internet

    Why cant the government keep their noses out of the internet? Texas probing Google over search results - Yahoo! News One day, America is going to be like China.
  16. W

    Need some one to Bulk Upload Products to Zen Cart!!!!!

    I need some one who can take CSV files of my products and the seperate image files and upload them to my Zen Cart store. Also, I would like some training on putting the items in their proper categories. The CSV's have product id, description, price, colors, sizes. Colors and sizes are setup...
  17. W

    Are You Buying Content That Does Not Convert? Want a Positive ROI for a Change?

    "Stop Paying For Content And Start Paying For Results" If you are viewing this thread, you already know the importance content plays in the success of your website. You are among only a handful of website owners in your niche who are positioning themselves to attract massive traffic and convert...
  18. W

    Is there an android app for this: Connectalptop to internet via phone?

    I found some apps where I can get internet from my computer to my phone, but I was wondering if I could get my android to connect my computer to the internet via USB or something. Use my laptop with my android's internet service. I thought I heard some one talking about one, I just cant find it.
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    Keyword Research: Should I look at Phrase or Exact Match traffic figures?

    With looking at keyword traffic for SEO for a new site, should I target keywords based on the phrase match traffic stats or exact match traffic stats? Thanks
  20. W

    Do I need to be careful buying an aged domain name? More info inside.

    I was looking to start an ecommerce site. The average SEO competition for the keywords is around 500-1200 backlinks and PR3 sites, and the sites are 6-10 years old. I was thinking about getting an aged domain or premium domain but I was wondering if there was a downside to this. I found...