Search results

  1. nickCR

    Earth @ Night from Space

    Amazing Videos of Earth at Night from Space | Wired Science |
  2. nickCR

    In Time - Lets hope it remains science fiction

    So I just watched the movie "In Time". Not well rated but worth the watch, I just pray that the greedy fucking corporations out there don't turn the world into something similar. Seems to be a perfect way to create a single currency while motivating low income demographics. In Time Movie...
  3. nickCR

    How much is required to retire.

    First, no im not near my retirement yet, however i'm curious what everyone thinks. Lets make some assumptions You have kids just about out of high school (they might do uni) You own your house outright You like to travel 2-3 times a year In todays day and age how much do you figure would be...
  4. nickCR

    Pig farm LOLZ

    A buddy of mine lives in Denver, he searched Pig Farm on his phone and this is what came up LMFAO.
  5. nickCR

    Brandable VoIP or Telecom domains?

    Looking for brandable VoIP or Telecom domains. Anyone have any they want to sell?
  6. nickCR

    Security: Includes, Classes, Configs?

    So I have a question, which i'm sure you guys can answer. I was taught that having your includes in /home/user/includes/ was best practice for security reasons, however the most popular apps on the market come with the includes folder inside the install directory itself...
  7. nickCR

    VOIP Softswitch Help

    Does anyone here know a thing or two about VOIP soft switches?
  8. nickCR

    Server Monitoring Services?

    Guys, Just wondering if anyone uses an external server monitoring service. I'm not talking PING. I'm talking CPU, RAM, etc... Would be good to see spikes and all that on graphs. Any recommendations for a service like this? Thanks in advance, Nick
  9. nickCR

    General Security Tips

    Figured I would post up some very basic security tips for working with ftp and web sites. This is in light of the fact that many of my clients tend to run into vunerabilities due to the fact that they simply don't follow these rules. FTP. This is probably the most important part. Did you know...
  10. nickCR

    Head Unit for Car?

    So it's been a while since I have actually bought a deck (well 5 years or so). I have had my car for a while and I don't have any amps or subs anymore. I just got a new phone for me and my wife an iPhone 4S and a BlackBerry Bold 9900. Both have Bluetooth and I would like a HU that I can use to...
  11. nickCR

    Head Unit for Car?

    Wrong section :( Fuck wrong section.
  12. nickCR

    Snake Charmer Unleashes Cobras

    Snake charmer unleashes cobras in India office – This Just In - Blogs LOL wow. That's awesome. Citizens are fighting back EVERYWHERE.
  13. nickCR

    Cell Phone

    Hey Guys, Looking around for a new phone. My last phone I got 3 years ago which was a BlackBerry Bold 9000. My main concern is the ability to use Skype, Call, SMS, Email, Calendar and OTA Sync. Which I think every single modern phone does now with the exception of Skype (fucking BlackBerry)...
  14. nickCR

    Rip this apart PLEASE!!!!!!!!

    Hello All, So we launched a new web site 2 weeks ago. The first two days the business did well after launch. After that we have not seen an increase in sales. I'm really hoping that you guys with your vast experience can rip it apart and critique the shit outta it. - Subscribe...
  15. nickCR

    Newegg discount...!details/db0a8a36771f7cd9/YPHW6VHSJIGHB0ZK There is not any affiliate links in that just a link to Google Offers today for Newegg offering $40 for $20. Edit: FAIL it...
  16. nickCR

    Anyone else living in Costa Rica?

    Just wanted to ask if anyone else lives, frequently visits, or is planning to visit Costa Rica from this forum?
  17. nickCR

    Groupon IPO Today

    So finally they launched their IPO today. Opened at $20 and closed as $26.11. 30% increase, not bad. What do you guys think? Is it gonna drop below the $20 mark that it started at or is it gonna sky rocket above the $50 mark?
  18. nickCR

    Digital Doorstep?

    Anyone heard of this company? Lots of deals from these guys on daily deal sites, with promise of discounts on places like Target,, etc.. Seems like they might be an affiliate, was wondering if anyone knows anything about them?
  19. nickCR

    Queued API calls?

    Hello All, I'm making several API calls and sometimes because the internet is what it is these API calls fail. Some of the API calls are 'critical' as they update data on the ESP and due to that are important. We also make non-critical such as stats or rapleaf etc. I want to setup all my...
  20. nickCR

    2011 Halloween Lightshow

    Halloween Light Show 2011 - Party Rock Anthem - YouTube! I think they did something like this last year but this one is pretty well synchronized.