Search results

  1. g1c9

    Want a script to screw up banner swap services...

    Anyone got a script that autogenerates hits and impressions for banner exchange services? lemme know. I know you're not looking to give it away free. edit: oops, shoulda used "dark side" icon...
  2. g1c9

    Virtual subdomains with .htaccess?

    Hey.. I want to be able to create infinate virtual subdomains with .htaccess.. basically I want it so that if i go to: http://[INSERT A NUMBER HERE] It uses mod_Rewrite to actually load:[INSERT A NUMBER HERE] So to recap, if I go to...
  3. g1c9

    Looking for mass directory submissions and article submissions too...

    I mean scripts/programs. Any ideas?
  4. g1c9

    how to make money with a pr5 domain?

    pr5, no specific topic - shitty domain. but a pr5 nonetheless. gimme some ideas on how to utilize it, please.
  5. g1c9

    I WANT BACKLINKS - lets trade.

    Hey all, i want major backlinks for my new site and heres the deal.. I will trade scripts for them. I have over 450 php scripts, and 3 custom ones so lemme know what u want. the 3 custom ones are as follows: 1. a linkdump script that allows user submissions, preapproved accounts, template...
  6. g1c9

    pr5 text links - 10$/mo - URGENT

    Hi, I am selling up to 5 pr5 links on my site becuase it is growing fast and I just went over my BW limit for this month and until I get some money the site is gone. (It's ad-free really, I just need 10$) The links will be DIRECT so the PR will benefit you, and they will...
  7. g1c9

    Stopping Hotlinking with .htaccess! URGENT!

    Please help! I am trying to prevent hotlinking with an anti-hotlinking image but it isn't working. Any ideas on how to fix? I am only worried about the /content/ folder.
  8. g1c9

    Post here if you own an entertainment site

    EDIT: I know the thread isn't a question. My bad. Me: 13 days old 250-450 uniques daily 700-2500 pageviews daily Post here if you also own an E/N or general entertainment site. Give some basic stats. I'd love to make some new contacts.
  9. g1c9

    The official blog thread

    .. and by official I mean first. go ahead, share yours.
  10. g1c9

    Put your sites in your sig!

    Obviously you don't have to, and some of you might not want to. but I think it's a splendid idea. :banana_sml:
  11. g1c9

    HELP: URL rewriting and virtual directories.

    Ok heres the deal, the site is Here is my .htaccess: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^home/$ index.php?section=home [L] RewriteRule ^funny-away-messages/$ index.php?section=aways RewriteRule ^submit-a-funny-away-message/$ index.php?section=submit [L] RewriteRule...
  12. g1c9

    I design and code. Hire me.

    For those who just want me to get to the point: I design well and code in PHP (w/ MYSQL), CSS, HTML, and can do some minor ajax/javascript effects. All my tags validate and my code runs error-free. I work for cheap, but this is'nt a sweatshop. (In other words it's going to take more than the...
  13. g1c9

    Something I just noticed about the site "mascot"

    Whoever designed it was genious, mabye everyone but me has caught on, but I just realized that the "eyebrows" of the fire form a W, standing for wicked. So the fireball alone says, "Wicked Fire" Yeah, well I was impressed.