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  1. SeoReborn

    The Hidden Truth

    This is a great video cover all the major information most people don't realize is going on in the world! <embed id="VideoPlayback" style="width:400px;height:326px" allowFullScreen="true" src=""...
  2. SeoReborn

    Poison our water supply...

    You know that our water supply has fluoride added to it don’t you (if you live in UK then flouride is definately added). Did you know it’s actually a poison that causes cancer and brittle bones? Also a test study done in China found that those regions served with higher fluoride in water...
  3. SeoReborn

    Stand Up Comedy Thread

    Hey guys, if you find any good stand up comedy clips, add them to this thread. This guy is brilliant... <object height="344" width="425"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>
  4. SeoReborn

    The Best Fight Scene Ever...!

    You lot are seriously not ready for this one… <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src=""...
  5. SeoReborn

    Senate Bill 1959 to Criminalize Thoughts, Blogs, Books and Free Speech Across America

    Senate Bill 1959 to Criminalize Thoughts, Blogs, Books and Free Speech Across America <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"...
  6. SeoReborn

    Was 911 all planned?

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  7. SeoReborn

    WickedFires story...

    Ok guys, saw the word association game so i thought I'll start this one. Basically we all create a story by adding 5 words to the previous post. Here goes.... "Recently on WickedFire, a webmaster...
  8. SeoReborn

    Most Important Video You'll Ever See

    Its time to open your eyes to reality... <embed id="VideoPlayback" style="width:400px;height:326px" allowFullScreen="true" flashvars="fs=true" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed>
  9. SeoReborn

    Sharon Stone - 60k Die In China Is KARMA

    <object height="355" width="425">Sharon thinks 60 000 deaths and left 8 million homeless + injured is KARMA... <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed...
  10. SeoReborn

    China Earth Quake

    As you all know, the China earth quake have claimed many lives (figure stands at around 60000). The worst thing is that it will leave many children as orphans, as well as homeless families and injured people needing medical supplies + help. I am sure being in WickedFire, you are likely to be...
  11. SeoReborn

    Outsource Your Blog To China

    Would you outsource your content writing to China?
  12. SeoReborn

    Massive Hole In Chest

    This is not for the faint hearted.... Cigarette packs patch up hole in chest |
  13. SeoReborn

    They Stole My Penis

    Penis theft panic leads to thirteen arrests |
  14. SeoReborn

    Outsource Your Life

    A look at outsourcing: YouTube - Why To Outsource Your Life to A Local Virtual Assitant
  15. SeoReborn

    40MB Broadbanding Fastering

    40mb Broadbanding Fastering than your Broadbanding SISP... YouTube - Fonejacker - Broadbandings -
  16. SeoReborn

    Pop ups/under useful?

    Guys, I need your opinion. Is pop up or pop under useful for promoting related affiliate products? Also is there a script that is unblockable? Cheers!
  17. SeoReborn

    Child Geniuses Gone Wild

    Child geniuses gone wild. They could have made so much of their life yet sh*t happens: Tongs: James Harries 'I love being a call girl - I'm in control,' boasts fallen child genius | the Daily Mail<o></o><o></o>
  18. SeoReborn

    I provide SQUIRT Submissions

    Ok. First of all SQUIRT works. It has put a few of my sites onto the first page of google (medium competitive keywords). SQUIRT: Blue Hat SEO-Advanced SEO Tactics » A Few Quick Announcements I have some submissions left over everyday (i find it hard to produce 10+ sites a day). So here is...