Search results

  1. SeoReborn

    MSNBC - Banksters & Government Exposed FINALLY by Mainstream News!

    Finally YouTube - MSNBC - Banksters & Government Exposed FINALLY by Mainstream News!
  2. SeoReborn

    .htaccess Canonical Wordpress

    I'm trying to get a wordpress site to redirect to the www version using the .htaccess. The following code gives me 404 error RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^(.*)\.domain\.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] It works in all of my non wordpress...
  3. SeoReborn

    Essay Writing Wanted - looking for writers

    I am looking for essay writers can write 100s to 1000s of words. These are more academic kind of essays. If you can provide this, please reply to thread and pm me with rates + samples if any. Cheers
  4. SeoReborn

    10 Percent To Opt Out Of Federal Government

    Ron Paul discusses the idea of giving 10% to opt out of the federal government. YouTube - Ron Paul has a cool idea: Pay 10% to opt out of everything from the federal government Discuss. Imagine if its possible, would you opt out if you are given the opportunity?
  5. SeoReborn

    Real Life Super Hero In Seattle

    Check this out lol Real-Life Superhero Fights Crime In US City - Yahoo! News UK
  6. SeoReborn

    Quantitative Easing Explained

    I LOLed: YouTube - Quantitative Easing Explained
  7. SeoReborn

    Time Traveler From 100 Years

    Is this a time traveler from almost 100 years ago? YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
  8. SeoReborn

    PDF Editor

    I used to use Nitro PDF editor on Windows. Can anyone recommend me a similar pdf editor for Mac? I need to change some text, add and modify links on pdf's. Thanks
  9. SeoReborn

    Good Ad Management Software

    Do you know a good ad management software? right now I am using openx but it does not allow me to have the option to change delivery with ad clicks e.g. if i want to stop a banner showing after a visitor have already clicked on it. Anyone? Thanks
  10. SeoReborn


    Don't play this if you don't want to lose your productive time Onslaught - Tower, for your tower defence games Been on it for a few hours.
  11. SeoReborn

    Proof That Vaccines Didn't Save Us

    Source Proof That Vaccines Didn't Save Us | Gene's Green Book There has been threads about vaccines before, but I thought I'll put this one up as the link above provides charts from sources such as the medical journal etc.
  12. SeoReborn

    US air crew shooting down Iraqi civilians

    YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. From Wikileaks reveals video showing US air crew shooting down Iraqi civilians | World news | The Guardian That page had the first part of 2 videos, but the second one was taken down by youtube. The full video I have embedded above, and found on WikiLeaks...
  13. SeoReborn

    Nothing On TV Is Real

    This is amazing... YouTube - Stargate Studios Virtual Backlot Reel 2009
  14. SeoReborn

    Best Place To Buy International Domains

    Hi guys, need your help. I am looking to buy an Australian domain (, where is the best place to buy it (price and service). In general where is good place to buy international domains? Thanks!
  15. SeoReborn

    Amazing Speech By War Veteran

    YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. PROBLEM -> REACTION -> SOLUTION This is employed by Governments to pass through their agendas. e.g. Problem creation such as 911/77 -> reaction of fear (of terrorism) -> protection by war (fight against terror) Data manipulation of 'global warming' -> fear of...
  16. SeoReborn

    Will Be Number ONE In The Charts

    Best song I heard in ages... YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
  17. SeoReborn

    Evangelical Christians discuss rape

    Man, are these guys kidding or what? Frickin' Nutters!
  18. SeoReborn

    Reducing Rejection From Women

    This video is actually quite good. He talks about how to approach girls, and escalate with them without them rejecting you. It works on the principle that rejection comes from a decision, and as long as you don't give them a decision to make, you won't get rejected. I could actually see it...
  19. SeoReborn

    This Guy Has Talent

    Mike Adams is pretty talented with his truth songs YouTube - Don't Inject Me (the Swine Flu Vaccine Song) by the Health Ranger YouTube - I Want My Bailout Money by Michael Adams the Health Ranger YouTube - SSRIs - S.S.R.Lies song from the "Beyond All Reason" album by Michael Adams (Health Ranger)
  20. SeoReborn


    So are you going to take the vaccine? They'll need to point a gun to my head before i take it. YouTube - VACCINE CREATORS WILL REFUSE THE H1N1 VACCINE !