Search results

  1. LegitAM

    Any experiences with rushing a passport?

    So I am planning a trip that i leave for in 5 days, bad thing is i trashed my passport and forgot about it till just now. You guys have experiences with places like Is it really necessary to use them or can I get it just as quickly by ordering a new one at the post office...
  2. LegitAM

    Ecommerce skype group- any interest?

    I'm a part of a few skype groups and have found them to be quite nice. Would love to chat with people more involved in Ecommerce since that is what I am transitioning into. Any interest in something like this?
  3. LegitAM

    Coming up with a brand name - what do you use as an influence?

    Hey guys, i've got a new Ecommerce store i'm planning to launch here soon and having a hell of a time coming up with a brand name for it. I could play the generic terms like usual, but i'd prefer to try and keep this somewhat branded if possible. What do you guys use as influences to your...
  4. LegitAM

    Did you know how to design when starting PPC?

    So all my money online has been made in product/service development and SEO however I'm looking to expand my skillset as the opportunity to work online fulltime comes nearer (looking to go fulltime straight out of graduation this next semester). While I've got the basics to PS down, i am a bit...
  5. LegitAM

    What kinds of things are you guys getting your girls for Christmas?

    I know we are all gay webmasters here, but in case there are a couple staright guys who are taken... just curious ;) I personally booked a hotel on the beach for a nice little get away close by home. Planning to pick up some wine and just get toasted on the beach.
  6. LegitAM

    Alternative to Magneto?

    Hey guys, I'm dying here trying to figure out magneto. I love the capabilities it has but I can't seem to grasp how to get a standard homepage or anything to work. Any alternative carts you can recommend?
  7. LegitAM

    Would destroy this womans vagina so hard.

    Yum yum yum.:hitit_sml:
  8. LegitAM

    liquid web is starting to blow ass

    I pay these guys way more than I pay elsewhere for my current setups and was pleased with things at first... but their tech support is getting retarded. Everytime I open a "tech support" live chat these guys want me to create a ticket for my issue which are not hard at all (ex: replacing a...
  9. LegitAM

    Any of you used Open cart? Looking for Ecommerce CMS recommendations

    Sup guys, currently running a small Ecommerce site on WordPress, while I love WordPress it clearly is not the best solution for this. I've been taking a look at open cart recently, and have read it is easier to work with than Magento and the like.... any recommendations you can give a newb to...
  10. LegitAM

    Need Ubot programmer

    Looking to hire a Ubot programmer to make some bots for me. Let me know if you can do this and your price per hour
  11. LegitAM

    What steps did you take going full time IM?

    Hey guys, I'm coming up on graduation in about a semester and starting to map out my timeline and goals to allow me to sustain this full time post-graduation. Any tips you can recommend that you took when going full time? Although I make enough to go full time currently, I feel like the way I...
  12. LegitAM

    Any of you ever want a partner? But never satisfied with whats around you?

    This is a serious thread, not some retarded newb thread or an indian trying to scam you... for some time i've been really feeling I would like a partner to compliment my skils/idea/budget. I do this fulltime while going through college (and will be once i graduate as well), however I know I...
  13. LegitAM

    encrypted search making my life hard...

    over 21% of my SE traffic yesterday was from encrypted keywords, aka no data provided. It's been on a constant rise daily... what the hell are you guys doing to combat this? is there anything?
  14. LegitAM

    any iphone/android app developers here?

    have some questions for you guys who are developers.
  15. LegitAM

    Who do you use for your VPS?

    Hey everyone, looking to upgrade and grab a new VPS. I've used knownhost in the past, but looking to see if there is anyone else you guys can recommend. I'd like to keep it under $25 a month, my spec needs are flexible as this is just going to be used for a few sites.
  16. LegitAM

    WTB PR 3 + domains

    If anyone has some spare PR 3+ domains sitting around please PM me with how much you want and the domain so I can verify the PR
  17. LegitAM

    needed, recommend me a small to medium VPS

    hey guys looking to pick up a medium sized VPS linux based preferably with WHM/cPanel, who do you recommend that is pretty cheap?
  18. LegitAM

    basic mobile/fb game development?

    Just curious how many of you have down FB/mobile game development on an elementary level? What kind of costs were you looking at for something to the level of mafia wars or farmville but a different genre?
  19. LegitAM

    WTB: Long term News writer (~300-250 words)

    Hey guys, looking to hire a news article writer who can do 4-10 articles per day. I would like to pya $1-$2 per 100 words, and the articles only need to be 300-350 words a pop. I only want native english speaking USA or UK writers, so unless you are from the UK, Canada, USA please do not annoy...
  20. LegitAM

    Best free or cheap project management software? Myself, partner, workers

    Hey guys, we're on the hunt for a good project management software that will allow us to update different phases of orders internally between myself, a partner, and our different laborer tasks. We currently utilize a google excel doc where we just mark "X" for the phase (setup as a column) that...