Search results

  1. xentech

    The Song Thread

    Disclaimer: this idea could be a fail. I'm looking to discover some new music (in any genre) and this could be a good way to do it. Basically I post a song and the next person to reply says what they think of the song and posts on of their own. One of my favorite songs: (use high quality)...
  2. xentech

    Tracking202 - wtf?

    I've been using T202 for a few weeks and this shit is full of bugs, is the hosted version the same? Aside from getting "Gateway Time-out" about 10% of the time I try to grab stats, some of my older campaigns stats are now completely unretrievable and other times I try and grab stats it grabs...
  3. xentech

    Man Revenge Rapes His Son's Rapist

    Man REVENGE RAPES his son's rapist. : Maybe I'm just immature but the comments on this story are paramount comedy, worth a read.
  4. xentech

    Wheelchair Rugby

    YouTube - wheelchair rugby hits wtf
  5. xentech


    YouTube - What Is Wrong WIth This Guy? aka Laddergoat I tried so hard not to laugh but failed :( Good luck bros.
  6. xentech

    Affiliate Program Software

    I'm looking for some decent affiliate program software. I've checked out PostAffiliatePro but it seems buggy and I don't really like it. Has anyone tried iDev or got any other suggestions?
  7. xentech

    Mask Server IP

    Say for example I have a server in the Netherlands, is there any way I can get a US ip while hosting in NL? There obviously is a way but I'm just wondering if it's easy to do...
  8. xentech

    Google EU.COM Phishing Warnings

    Every site I click on with the TLD "" comes up with a phishing warning, just wondering if this is the same for other people?
  9. xentech

    MP3 to Video

    I want to upload loads of tracks to YouTube. Does anyone know of any software to convert and a mp3 into a video with a picture? I want to do this for loads of songs so fucking Windows Movie Maker.
  10. xentech

    Health Care

    I just don't get it. I don't live in the USA so maybe I'm not getting the full picture, but WTF is with the debate on health care? They use the NHS (UK's Health Service) as an argument for not getting government run health care which I just plainly don't understand. First of all the NHS really...
  11. xentech

    The Union (Weed Documentary) If you like documentaries I recommend you watch this. It's about prohibition and if it works, as well as giving a detailed insight into the production and sale of marijuana.
  12. xentech

    Linux Server Admin

    Need a guy to set up a secured server with LAMP and FTP on it (possibly a few other things too), anyone interested or know someone? Will need little things done in the future as well.
  13. xentech

    UK Car Insurance Offers

    Who's got 'em? I know about but apart from that where can I find the best UK car insurance offers, either lead based or application based?
  14. xentech

    Pruane2Forever with 50 Cent

    I'm sure a lot of you have seen this dude before, just came across a video of him with 50 cent ROFL. YouTube - in NYC with 50 Cent
  15. xentech

    Buying Links Through Brokers...

    What do people think of buying links through sites such as Obviously it's a lot easier than buying links manually but of course you don't have as much control. Just looking to hear some thoughts/experiences.
  16. xentech

    AdWords: Target different countries within the same campaign?

    Is it possible (within the same campaign) to target different countries in each adgroup?
  17. xentech

    Autoresponder/Custom Confirmation Page

    Sorry, couldn't think of a better thread title. Here's what I need to do: I'm going to have lots of different product pages and a mailing list sign up on each one, when the user signs to one of the mailing lists and then confirms their subscription I either need to send them an auto responder...
  18. xentech

    Share DNB/Dubstep

    Looking for some new tunes so feel free to share some! YouTube - Current Value - Dark Rain
  19. xentech

    22-24" Monitors

    I'm looking for a new monitor and I'm no expert on hardware, can anyone recommend a good but reasonably priced 22-24" (preferably 24) monitor? You will be rewarded with cookies and milk.
  20. xentech

    Instant Free Authority Links

    Instant free links to your site, just replace your domain in the code and ping them. Click on them and you'll see what I mean.. Quantcast WebShotsPro - - Traffic Details from Alexa - Wicked Fire Search whois domain --...