Search results

  1. BeerNuts

    Facebook Coupons?

    Where do they come from? I have a friend that runs a local restaurant and I am trying to get him to join FB ads.
  2. BeerNuts

    Needed: PHPbb Theme Intergration

    I need someone to integrate my sites current theme with my phpbb install. I did a search and no one is offering this service so I am requesting it. Should be an easy job. Ill pay $20 via paypal if you can do it properly.
  3. BeerNuts

    Need CPM Networks (for Pubs)

    Ive got a site I am building out and I need to find some advertisers. Its totally white hat and I want to keep it that way. I am looking for some networks or something that will allow me to monetize the site via CPM. Its getting about 20-30k impressions a day and continues to grow. I did some...
  4. BeerNuts

    Is this Racist?

    So I keep seeing these ads for NBC's new fall shows "Undercover" and "The Event" YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Both shows have prominent black characters, the event has some promo video about a black president, and the two lead roles in undercover are a black couple. But at the end of...
  5. BeerNuts

    PHP/MySQL Moderation Tutorial?

    I am building a site and learning php/mysql along the way. I have a form where users can post data to the database and pages that display the data. Easy. What I want to do now is build a sort of back end where all the form posts will go pending moderation. Once approved I want them to go to the...
  6. BeerNuts

    Spark Networks Contact?

    I am running a few things with Spark on their platform. They have no information about any sort of contacts other than their web contact forum. I have tried that but have yet to hear back from them. Does anyone have a contact for them who can handle affiliate relations? banners, payouts, etc.
  7. BeerNuts

    Fucking Co.Uk's

    So I am looking for a type of product I need for a physical business. I go to google and I start searching for "opaque black mailing bag" and a couple of other variations of the terms and over half the links are from companies in the UK. WTF is google doing. 9 links on the first page for that...
  8. BeerNuts

    CoLo Anyone Do It?

    I am pretty sure I am going to be killing my current set up sometime in the near future. Rather than bump up my VPS or get a Dedi I was thinking I could just buy a dell rack server and colo it somewhere for near the same price. What I don't understand is that several sites I have checked out...
  9. BeerNuts

    iPhone PreOrders

    I am shocked no one else started this topic yet so I will. Today I just remembered that iPhone preorders should have started but Apple and ATT both didn't bother to email me about starting the process. So I go to ATT's website and they have no options to even get the damn thing. Seems both...
  10. BeerNuts

    Never Miss and IRS Payment

    Man I am seriously getting fucked over by the IRS this year. Seems a letter got lost in the mail when I moved and I never paid the IRS 11k in June of last year. My accountant did my taxes assuming I got it and paid it and all was fine. Until I got the letter from the IRS saying I owed them that...
  11. BeerNuts

    4G iPhone Prototype Found?

    Source: Gizmodo - This Is Apple's Next iPhone
  12. BeerNuts

    Vibram FiveFingers (Shoes)

    Anyone else sporting a pair of fivefingers? I saw a couple of guys wearing them at a convention I was at and just had to get a pair. I recall reading a lot of press on bare foot running, and walking in recent news but didn't know where to actually get the shoes. I went to a few local stores and...
  13. BeerNuts

    Retarded Offer Redirects

    What is the deal with networks redirecting their traffic to their most retarded offer? Today I forget to target a campaign and sent a bunch of UK traffic to a US offer. My bad I already paid for it. So I go to check the network to see if any good came from it at and I see 300+ clicks to fucking...
  14. BeerNuts

    Na'vi Protest Israel

    Link: Avatar joins the struggle in Bil'in - CNN iReport
  15. BeerNuts

    C&D To The Extreme

    Quick run down, a couple of years back I had a site that had Victoria's Secret in the url. Got a C&D closed the site and moved it to some random subdomain of some other site. Flash forward to today, I get another C&D via email. The site has never ranked for anything as a subdomain and has been...
  16. BeerNuts

    813,000,000 Incoming Links

    Something that I never noticed or thought of but my new seo addon for chrome reported that has 813,000,000 links in google and is PR9. I just never saw it until now, crazy shit.
  17. BeerNuts - Pitch Me Ideas

    So I have had these domains,, empty for like 5yrs. Me and my buddy bought them when we were going to have a radio show or web comic back in college. Neither of which ended up happening but I kept the domains. The name was taken from Reel...
  18. BeerNuts

    Your Very Own Shuttle

    The Press Association: Nasa cuts price for space shuttles 28.8 Million and you to can have your very own shuttle craft! Sweet deal for all you berry ballers.
  19. BeerNuts

    Avatar and District 9 Made Me Sick

    Whats with the new tred of making movies that make me fell like shit when I leave the theater? A few months back I saw District 9 expecting aliens blowing up and all sorts of fun stuff. Instead I found a extremely serious social commentary hidden behind special effects. While watching the movie...