Search results

  1. SkyFire

    Windows Firewall Recommendations

    Does anyone have any? Need to be able to setup application specific rules if possible.
  2. SkyFire

    Duke Nukem 3d Free at GOG today

    Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition That is all. Duke Nukem 3D Strippers - YouTube Ya, I was 13 when this came out. Strippers had the most/best tits I saw all year.
  3. SkyFire

    Would 17 year old you like grown up you?

    Rocking out to the American Pie 2 soundtrack for some nostalgia (Sum 41, American HI-FI, Left Front Tire, Smokescreen, etc) and wondering about that. I think I'd mostly approve. I'd be pretty pissed that I live in but fuck Idaho. Other than that though, I've achieved pretty much everything...
  4. SkyFire

    Solitary Confinement for Gradeschoolers

    Solitary Confinement? Parents concerned over school's use of "Isolation Booth" - YouTube Fuck me, we're taking training the cattle to be prisoners a step further it would seem. Sandy Catt, the principle, thinks it's good for the kids. Oh ya, for sure.
  5. SkyFire

    Fuck Rocky Mountain Power

    Yep. We moved into our new house in April of this year, and had our electricity scheduled for shut off for the old place at the end of that month, when the new owners took over. Today I get a collection letter for $330 odd dollars. Seems they failed to shut off the power and it ran all summer...
  6. SkyFire

    Moving to Windows 8

    Well, fuck me. I'm making the move to Windows 8. I'm not happy about it, but my Windows 7 install is almost 18 months old, and it's starting to show. I have to be on Windows 8 to publish for Windows 8 / Phone 8 (well, sure, I could VM it, but what's the point?). I'm a linux guy, and don't much...
  7. SkyFire

    Nice work Colorad and Washington

    Yup. edit: I can't spell Colorado. Guess why!
  8. SkyFire

    Need a Network. Helps!

    I need recommendations on a network. It's been, apparently, since early 2008 when I bailed on the last affiliate network (they weren't paying - anyone remember Millnic?) I was a promoting for. As you can see, I'm a tad rusty on who's who and such. :thumbsup: As for what I want to promote, I'm...
  9. SkyFire

    My nerd factor is too low

    Middle-Earth in Statistics - LotrProject Population statistics of Middle Earth, by race, gender, age, lifespan, etc. Fuck that's some nerd awesomeness.
  10. SkyFire

    Fuck My Life

    I just got out of bed, headed downstairs said good morning to my family, went downstairs to my office, and replied to a thread on WickedFire. What has my life become that replying here is the first thing I do?!?!
  11. SkyFire

    Desktop Show and Tell

    Not like most desktop showing threads, this is about how your desktop looks right now, without any cleaning, optimizing, etc. Show with a pic, then tell. This is mine: I moved out of web dev for the most part a while back (still do a bit to even things out, indie games are tough to profit in...
  12. SkyFire

    Security Systems?

    I need to upgrade the security system in and around our home. Right now I've cameras, but I'd like a really sick setup. I can spend some serious cash for a proper setup. I prefer a not-monitored system, no ADT or any of that crap. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for, but it must have at...
  13. SkyFire

    The Great Courses

    The Great Courses® - Audio & Video Lectures from The World Anyone else love these guys? I've been listening to their shit now and then for the last 4 or 5 years (used to sell under The Teaching Company). Most of the series are really solid, and long. Fantastic.
  14. SkyFire

    Leave the spam

    If you are using the trickle adsense (or whatever ad service) approach, you can keep your content fresh-ish by auto publishing spam (this only applies to WordPress as I know nothing about spam on any other platform). Super long tail hyper niche sites are the kind of sites you probably create...
  15. SkyFire

    Indian Dude on Fiverr

    Can someone point me to the indian dude on fiver who did the HBWA videos that were floating around here? I'm going to have him wish my brother a happy birthday :D
  16. SkyFire

    The BO User needs to be removed

    Given how, uh, interesting, some of the posters here can get, it's only a matter of time before we all have our asses searched by one arm of the government or the other, and frankly I'm afraid they'll find pewep up there. Someone shut that shit down.
  17. SkyFire

    Creating a new service for WF et al

    I’m considering a new service for marketers et al, and wondering if it’s an idea that would be of interest. Would anyone care to comment or give their opinion on this? I’m proposing an all in one package for site development. Instead of sourcing a design, and then a coder, and then a content...
  18. SkyFire

    Kidnappers are coming for your kids!

    Every week there is another device, hyper alarmist story, or 'safety tool' to prevent one's child from being abducted. It's idiotic. There are 76 million kids in the US. Only 12,000 are abducted by someone other than a parent, and of those there are less than 200 "stereo typical" kidnappings...
  19. SkyFire

    Cash meets Dylan

    This guy is fucking sick, love it. Good voice, funny too. The Noah Song We Want More Porn & Pop Up Windows "I Want More Porn" "Original Song" Tom Willett - YouTube I Ain't Your Tool I Ain't Your Tool (I Ain't Yo' Tool) Original "Band in a Box" -...
  20. SkyFire

    Fat person trick

    I was at the gas station today, waiting rather impatiently while a large woman bought a bunch of scratch tickets, and then finally proceeded to pay for her, uh, groceries. After about 5 minutes I found myself rather bemused by the remarkably stereotypical situation (obese woman buying junk food...