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    Weird IP hammering my connection-Hacked?

    Since yesterday, whenever i open any webpage in chrome, FF or any other browser, it shows a weird IP at the bottom being accessed to load the page. I first noticed it while accessing WF but later i found its across the board on any webpage. The IP range is this, little investigation, I found...
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    recommend me a good crime genre movie

    been watching a lot of "Crime" genre lately and loving it. Main focus is on bank robberies etc. Please recommend me some movies related to prison breaks, escpare, robberies bank or in general anything.
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    Firefox add-ons dont work

    All of a sudden all my FF add-ons stopped working. I didnt notice it untill now when i downloaded a new add-on and that doesnt work so i checked on other add ons but it seems everything is fucked up. I believe this could be after i upgraded to FF 5 but most of these add-ons are compatible with...
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    how to change MAC address permanently

    Anyone know a good way to change the MAC address permanently? I know there are some tools that do this but then MAC resets comes back after restarting. If i am able to spoof it, will the website or third party by any means can find the original MAC? Where can i get the MAC address which i can...
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    Gmail Man [Hilarious] Spoof

    Just read this on CNET, MS literally takes on G in this video. Wonder how they can openly compare services like this with some serious accusations?
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    Visual App Designer for iPhone or Android?

    I dont know jack about programming so coding an app is beyond me. I have a few good ideas for which i want to build some apps on iphone and android. anyone knows an easy to use Visual app designer? like Dreamweaver for HTML something similar for app designing?
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    Offerforge south african scammy network

    These retards keeps on spamming me. First they spammed my whois and my bad i found a decent offer with them so i ran for about 2-3 weeks and made some $5XX which they never paid till date. Thats back from 2009. Emailed and called several time, they keep saying they will send over payments but...
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    Groupon Livingsocial who got it?

    Who got Groupon and livingsocial (besides epic and neverblue). Mainly looking for US/CA and international countries for Groupon. Doing massive volume on US/CA right now. Need cap on INTL. Please PM me
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    Affillion? Any good?

    want to run a offer that i could only find with these guys but never heard about them. Saw their ads now on affbuzz as well. Seems like a private network. anyone worked with them before? any reviews?
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    Online GIF Editor?

    Anyone knows a good GIF editor which lets me change GIFs on the fly. Must be able to edit the text on the gifs and it should auto update all frames inside the gif. anyone knows?
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    host in local country or US?

    i will be launching a consulting business in my country (Its in asia) and wondering whether i should just host with the local guys here or just use USA hosting providers. I believe google favours local hosting when it comes to local ranking. Since my focus is mainly the local market, what do u...
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    MS Adcenter account needed

    need adcenter account urgently, please PM Me with your price.
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    gaming Rig how are these specs?

    been away for a while mainly due to my recent move to another country. Now we are trying to get back to normal life after finding a nice apartment and trying to settle down here. i will be getting a new gaming PC next week and the guy who will be assembling my rig put together these specs. Can...
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    WTB Pre activated adwords account with impressions

    need a pre-activated adwords account with impressions on ads. should have some balance and can be loaded with other cards. please pm me or post here with your offer
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    WTB Facebook likes to external website page

    I want FB likes to a website page. its often misunderstood so lemme explain with an example. eg:, there will be a like button which you need to use. Anyone can provide, please drop me PM or post here with you price for 500, 1000 and 2000 likes. the likes must be from...
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    code to resize browser window?

    I just can't find this code anywhere. I had it and now lost it. tried googling but didnt find what i was looking for. I want the code which you can paste in url window and press enter. it then resizes the window to the resolution we chose. something like onLoad(800600) will change make it...
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    Adcenter budget pause?

    One of my campaign is currently showing status as "budget pause". I ran over the budget yesterday and that could be the reason for this. I doubled the budget now and also increased campaign budget 5x, but its still showing budget pause. is this even real time or i have to wait for a while before...
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    Adcenter Down?

    When i login to adcenter, it says system error can't retrieve data on dashboard. Under campaigns, it says anyone else has this issue?
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    Best AM at epic/azoogle?

    really want to know who is the best AM at azoogle ( mine is Vinc)
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    WTB Facebook Likes and Twitter posts for website

    Hi, most of the service providers offer FB likes for fan pages and twitter followers, but am looking for FB likes for an external page and twitter shares for my website or specific pages. If u provide these, PM Me with your pricing. thanks