Search results

  1. maverick

    Dropped Domain Tools

    What would you say is the best way to find dropped domains using either web or PC based software. I have tried a lot of stuff but 99% is crap
  2. maverick

    Microsoft - Yahoo Merger

    READ ALL ABOUT IT! Microsoft eyeing deal to buy Yahoo - U.S. Business -
  3. maverick

    Wordpress Based Niche Sites - QS Friendly

    If your looking for some Quality Score friendly landing pages we have the answer with our Wordpress based niche affiliate sites. Each site has 5 pages / articles on your chosen subject and is embedded with your affiliate links. All content is 100% UNIQUE See an example here Full site...
  4. maverick

    Hide pages in Wordpress

    This is doing my head in and since i have no clue about PHP im stuck. Im trying to hide some pages from the main bar which is in the header but rather than the standard set like: "<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=<h2>Pages</h2>' ); ?>" and using : "<?php...
  5. maverick

    Ok so what your opinions guys? They say they are one of the biggest etc so whats your take :)
  6. maverick

    New Aojon Blog?

    What happened to the new blog skin that you got designed a couple of months ago? Is it going live soon
  7. maverick

    FREE EBOOKS! for $97

    Look at this for a deal! Fall Of The Gurus - Get Any Ebook For FREE
  8. maverick

    Would anyone use this service?

    I run a number of sites/blogs and have a few full time writers who supply all my content. I was thinking of hiring out these guys to other users who need an "all in one" solution I have put up a quick example site to show you the sort of work they would be posting. Throttle News - UK &...
  9. maverick

    CHEAP .ORG Domains $0.99

    Found a company doing .org domains for the same price as .info's
  10. maverick

    Template Install

    Anyone got any ideas why this would happen? I installed Joomola from cpanel templates/sites upload : chosse: When i run install I get: Warning: is_dir() []: Stat failed for /home/band/public_html/media/install_46039d2102f54/js_element_red/css (errno=13 -...
  11. maverick

    Richjerk 2.0 Launched

    Here is the new richjerk "ebook" which is now a members based site : $29.99 a month Rich Jerk Evolution
  12. maverick

    Best CMS for SEO etc

    I'm looking to transfer one of my sites to a CMS based solution and am looking for a solution which is not only easy to use but also optimized for SEO. The site is pretty basic and has no major features required so I have looked at Joomla (which i used on other sites) but again I'm concerned...
  13. maverick

    Organised Crime & Search Engines

    So everyone on this forum knows how lucrative top 10 results on search engines can be so like any industry there must be large scale organised crime gangs trying to muscle in on the cash. Has anyone heard of this happening and how do the search engines protect them self from this?
  14. maverick & SEO

    Has anyone used Global Internet Addresses - Registration and Related Services | CentralNic to register domains which are designed to look like TLD but are really sub domains i.e etc Have you been able to get good organic listings with these domains?
  15. maverick

    Hosting setup

    Would anyone find it useful to have access to a service where they could log into what looks like a normal WHM but have access to servers around the world so they can choose the best location for that site i.e - Targeting UK market - UK Based server .com - Targeting US market - US...
  16. maverick

    Adword Vouchers?

    Anyone got any idea where to pick up some higher value ones ?
  17. maverick

    Is Shoemoneyads becoming

    Shoemoney says he will make an announcement next week on the new Ebay advertising system but I hear that the new service may be I see Shoemoney already has it running on part of his site which is password protected from the public. So ..
  18. maverick

    Free Yahoo Answers Script

    Ok as seen on this and other forums here is the bulk yahoo answers script free to download and enjoy! DOWNLOAD HERE
  19. maverick

    Media Site Script

    I see a lot of sites using the same "kind" of script like EvilChili :: Hot Entertainment Delivered Daily :: Fear the Chili & Anyone know what the core script is?
  20. maverick

    Your Opinion on SP Sale

    Ok so I put a site up for sale on SP but as its an affiliate site in a specific niche I refuse to post the URL as it would get a million pricks trying to copy the sites layout , setup etc. As normal you get the normal bunch of wankers who send you the "you must show us everything shit" and...