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  1. aim high

    Does Anyone Use

    I saw someone mention it here. i'm signing up but im kind of iffy with giving my info to them. anyone been using them for a while?
  2. aim high

    Facebook ad problems

    have you ever had campaigns where they don't get ANY impressions at all. i made 4 different ad campaigns, 2 don't get any impressions while the other ones get impressions. it's annoying cause i make a lot of ads for each campaign, so i guess i have to remake it.
  3. aim high

    The New Touchscreen Blackberry?

    What are your thoughts? the black berry is unique because of its interface, if its touchscreen it seems like itll just be another iphone knockoff. im almost due for a new phone. should i wait or just get a normal blackberry?
  4. aim high

    I need a new phone. verizon. suggestions please

    my phone is absolutely horrible, ive had it for like 2 years, i don't get reception etc. It seems like everytime I get a new phone, a new one comes out a month later. but back to the point. what are some recommendations for verizon phones? i do texting. i dont really like touchscreen texting. i...
  5. aim high

    Do any of you use

    If not, then what do you use? not affiliate link.
  6. aim high

    face book audience = active users?

    is the estimated users on facebook the estimated active or just users in general.
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    Is anyone being over charged on FB?

    These past couple days since the update to the new face book it seems like fb is charging more then my set cpc. anyone else experiencing this?
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    To all PPC monsters. What kind of credit scores do you have?

    I'm curious as to what your credit scores are when you're spending 1k a day.
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    Anyone Here Go To The University Of Michigan?

    I'm a freshmen here and I'm looking for other affiliate marketers. I just met a guy that works in the adwords department here in ann arbor :D
  10. aim high

    Facebook lost my credit cards?

    I have been running facebook ads for like 2 months now and I check my ads today and it says my payment failed. I checked my funding sources and both of my credit cards were gone. what the hell gives?
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    I Like When Girls Kiss Girls

    late at night
  12. aim high

    Recommended Neverblue Manager?

    I really need a new am. i have scott.
  13. aim high

    Facebook Bids Question

    Someone recently told me that the little orange exclamation points don't mean anything. He says that they are just bluffing. Do you guys run your ads with the exclamation point next to it? It seems like the low bid zone is under 35 cents. I've tried to go under for a couple of campaigns and the...
  14. aim high

    Is a Big Part Of PPC AM Writing Content?

    This goes for new comers. People that decide not to outsource the content. Would a large part of affiliate marketing be actually writing the content to satisfy QS?
  15. aim high

    MSN Adcenter Coupons?

    Are there any out right now? I've looked everywhere and they all have expired. thanks
  16. aim high

    How Many Test Clicks Do You Run?

    I'm running a new offer right now and its at like 15-20 clicks with zero conversions. It's through yahoo and it's a short form submit. I'm getting kind of nervous. Should I just let it run it's course for like 100 clicks or so? thanks
  17. aim high

    Rewording Content?

    how deep will google go when looking to see if content matches other content? like can I just reword content a little bit or do i need to make it extremely unique to the content im rewording? This is for quality score purposes.
  18. aim high

    Do You Need A Good Account History For Cheap Clicks?

    I've run a couple campaigns now and my cpc is at least .5 to get clicks. Will I need a good standing account history to get cheap clicks or will a good CTR be enough for them to drop it?
  19. aim high

    Subdomain Question!

    Lets say I have a website. Small Business Websites - and I want to host a landing page on it under a subdomain. so I host it on . When I run a campaign on yahoo/google will they check the QS of everything or just what is under the sub domain? thanks
  20. aim high

    PPC Coach Worth It?

    Is it worth it for beginners?