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  1. aim high

    Want the Expose Feature from mac on your PC?

    you all are smart people im sure you can find it. it's called topdesk.
  2. aim high

    Anyone a computer informatics major?

    I'm considering this as my major, it looks relevant to affiliate marketing too. Arts; College of Engineering; and School of Information.
  3. aim high

    Any good affiliate podcasts?

    or any good recommended pod casts for affiliates, productivity, entrepreneurship etc.
  4. aim high

    Worried to log into Bank accounts because of conficker.

    im kinda worried to log in to my bank accounts because confickers purpose i think is to steal identities. anyone else feel the same way?
  5. aim high

    How can I protect my data through a wireless connection?

    I get distracted easily in my room, especially in a dorm. how could i be more secure if i wanted to work in the library or something with wireless?
  6. aim high

    Whats your credit card of choice?

    I've been using amex lately. im assuming the big fishes are using biz cards. what are you guys using? amex,mastercard, visa?
  7. aim high

    Any motivational money songs?

    I have some rap songs that I like to listen to. im so paid - akon got money - weezy etc. i feel like a lot of you guys don't listen to rap.
  8. aim high

    Dreamweaver Undo and Redo glitch?

    if i edit something on dream weaver like insert text or enlarge something it will shift all of the divs a lot.but then if i undo and then redo, the divs don't move at all. is there a reason for this?
  9. aim high

    Difference in Business Vs Personal Accounts in Facebook?

    Is there any differences in a business account versus a personal account on facebook. like more impressions etc.?
  10. aim high

    Do I have to file taxes for Neverblueads?

    My AM said that they do not deal with it. We don't get mailed a form or anything, is there something I should do? I'm in the US
  11. aim high

    Ok. whos offer is this.......

    How to shave your balls like the pros. lmao
  12. aim high

    Anyone getting "internal error"'s on facebook?

    can't submit any ads =\
  13. aim high

    Anyone have problems including location in title in facebook?

    I'm getting all of my ads denied heres a copy Singles in Alabama There are thousands of singles waiting on Please review the specific reason(s) for your ad's disapproval below. If you have further questions, we recommend reviewing our list of Common Ad Mistakes. You can also...
  14. aim high

    Facebook question

    Lets say i create 300 ads for 1 campaign (separated into like 20 ads groups) on facebook and launch them at the same time. will all the ads be treated the same (ie same amount of impressions etc) opposed to a campaign with 10 ads?
  15. aim high

    Taxes? but no business?

    My family usually goes through an accountant for taxes but i want to do it myself this year with turbo tax or something. what would i do for my affiliate earnings? i was told that i could write off a bunch of things like a new hard drive as a business expense, but i'm not an...
  16. aim high

    Prosper Problems

    My links are redirecting to the prosper log in screen. ive already updated prosper too. help?
  17. aim high

    Sweet Obama Ad

    YouTube - Wassup 2008
  18. aim high

    Help with creating a dynamic length webpage in DW?

    I want to make a template of a webpage where i have a content box where i can add what ever i want and the page will grow with the content. any tutorials or help out there? i cant seem to find any. also in dream weaver, when i try to add content and it goes out of the sliced box, the entire site...