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  1. aim high

    Quicker Way To Hide Ref?

    I've been using the cloak feature in p202 and have noticed that it doubles the load time when the link is clicked. probably because its on a shared server. but is there another way to cloak? will a php redirect work?
  2. aim high

    Does anyone get a burning back?

    any else experience this? probably from sitting long long hours in the same position. should i throw some icy hot on it or something? its by my right shoulder right next to my traps. :glowingeyes_sml:
  3. aim high

    Adult PPC Sources?

    where can I get some adult ppc traffic?
  4. aim high

    Over Sleeping is Killing Me

    I've recently developed a pretty nasty problem. ive been sleeping 11-12 hours a night it i hate it. i wake up and half the day is gone. has anyone overcome this problem before?
  5. aim high

    Chances of Identity Theft?

    I've realized that I have signed up with a lot of networks when i first started and now i'm starting to feel uneasy knowing that my information with my SS is out there. any thoughts?
  6. aim high

    EMINEM GETS TEABAGGED at the move awards lmaoo

    YouTube - Eminem Gets Tea Bagged By Bruno At The MTV Movie Awards (HIGH QUALITY)
  7. aim high

    ShamWow Killer Is Here

    YouTube - Paper Towels
  8. aim high

    Is There a way to combine google accounts?

    i think i remember something on google to combine accounts but i cant seem to find it. or am i just making things up?
  9. aim high

    Do Successful People Read?

    Something that I have thought about for a while. Do successful people read? People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates. I know that I barley read and its been something I've been trying to work on. So I have a couple questions Do successful people read? Do successful people read "self...
  10. aim high

    How Do You check who is trying to connect to your server? (hostgator)

    i have a feeling someone else is trying to connect. or it might just be errors.
  11. aim high

    Feels Good.......

  12. aim high

    Any adcenter coupons out?

    looked around and cant find any.
  13. aim high

    How To install prosper geo targetting?

    i had my host add the geotargetting sql file to my data base and geotargetting isnt showing up still. is there anything else i need to do ? prosper just says to upload to the data base. thanks
  14. aim high

    Do you ever drink alone?

    i've never done it before. except for tonight. i downloaded x men and felt like taking a shot or two. think this will lead to a problem? ive been more mellow since taking up AM. i don't mind not hanging out with friends. they call, i say i'm busy and don't really care. man this week has been...
  15. aim high

    Firefox is a monster resource hog. how can it not be?

    its taking up a lot of resources. anyone know how to fix it?
  16. aim high

    Did you sign up with a SS or EIN?

    I'm curious.
  17. aim high

    Anyone take supplements to focus?

    doc said i might have mild add. add or not, i lose focus on tasks a lot.
  18. aim high

    Am I getting screwed over?!

    I've been looking at my numbers and they don't look right. so i downloaded subid's from both neverblue and prosper. Prosper is showing a lot of sub ids that neverblue doesnt show and prosper shows every subid that neverblue shows. whats going on here?
  19. aim high

    Does anyone have a myspace rep's contact info?

    Anyone have rep info? gracias.
  20. aim high

    I just had a perspective change on life.... now im money hungry.

    anyone ever have a life perspective change? mine just happened when i traveled to an upper class neighborhood to visit some college friends. then drove around thinking. now im hungry for money. going try and stay up all night.