Search results

  1. Louey37

    Average Lifetime Customer Value By Channel

    Email Is Crushing Twitter, Facebook for Selling Stuff Online | Wired Business | Interesting. TL;DR, don't use twitter to get your customers.
  2. Louey37

    Zend Code Hack - What is it and how do I prevent it?

    I've just been told by my programmer that my WP site has a Zend Code hack. This is what he sent me as proof: $zend_framework="\x63\162\x65\141\x74\145\x5f\146\x75\156\x63\164\x69\157\x6e"; Apparently it's in my site header. Is this bad or is he smoking crack? And does anyone know how I stop...
  3. Louey37

    Google's new secret weapon

    BBC News - Nasa buys into 'quantum' computer 'Voice recognition' my arse... Penguin 3.0, proudly brought to you by NASA InB4 my mobile is using the same technology and outperforms this.
  4. Louey37

    Does anyone know what this WP plugin is?

    7 A/B Testing Blunders That Even Experts Make The plugin the blocks out the post content with an optin box. Not the big one that blacks out the screen but the small one that just covers the content. Looks kind of cool. Does anyone know if this is a custom plugin or something we can buy?
  5. Louey37

    Watch this. Now.

    Cool song. Even better girls. Robin Thicke 'Blurred Lines' (Dirty Version) on Vimeo
  6. Louey37

    Update your WordPress Cache - Now.

    Update WP Super Cache and W3TC Immediately – Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Disclosed | Sucuri Blog Or else you're going to find someone's BST links on your site.
  7. Louey37

    Dying vets 'Fuck You' letter to George Bush

    Dangerous Minds | Dying vet’s ‘fuck you’ letter to George Bush & Dick Cheney needs to be read by every American
  8. Louey37

    Hypothetical Question: What would you do?

  9. Louey37

    Change servers and traffic crashes? WTF?

    Dudes, I changed servers from a shitty HostWinds VPS to a KnownHost dedicated server and the traffic for one of my sites dropped by 80%. I don't know enough (re: anything) about servers to be abel to work out what's going on here. Do any of you guys know what's going on here / how to fix it...
  10. Louey37

    What is this and do I need to worry about it?

    I've just signed up for my first dedicated server and know nothing about them. I'm receiving 4 to 5 emails a day with alerts and I have NO idea what they are and if I should be worried about them. If you know anything about hosting, can you help a brother out? Here are some of the alerts I'm...
  11. Louey37

    What programming language should I use?

    I have an idea for a website I want to create but I have absolutely no idea where to start even writing a design brief. I've never designed a site before and have no idea where to start with languages. I was hoping someone here could tell me what language I should be using for something like...
  12. Louey37

    How can I get my crashed website back up and running?

    If my site crashes due to too much traffic, is there anything I can do from the cPanel to get it back up and running (I have a VPS) or does it have to be done by the hosting company? I just got upvoted to the the number 1 spot for a sub reddit and my site has crashed and I want it back up and...
  13. Louey37

    How accurate is 'find my iphone'?

    Has anyone used it before? Has anyone had success with it? I lost my wallet/phone yesterday and tracked it to a house using it. I check 5 times over the space of 3 hours and I've logged back on today and it's saying it's still there. I've been to the house twice but they're saying they don't...
  14. Louey37

    Best way to deal with this?

    I've just found out that a guy on this forum has 301'd his sites shitty link profile (including links from gay porn sites) through to a site of mine. Since this has happened, my sites dropped from page one to mid page 2 for all major KW's. I've PM'd him but received no response so far. Any...
  15. Louey37

    Quick question about wordpress

    I just used the wordpress plugin Backup and Move to copy a site of mine so I cold install it on a new domain. It worked fine and the site is displayed perfectly on the new site, exactly as it was on the old domain, but now when I try and log in to the dashboard of the new site, it takes me...
  16. Louey37

    Just realised I earned over $1.90 on Youtube today

    So today i was cleaning up the stats and reviewing some things in adsense because I like to ball hard. I said, hmmm.. how can I try and find a way to promote my ebook outside of the BTS forum? I never really paid attention to what i've earned on YouTube because I was too busy ballin' but I...
  17. Louey37

    Monetising city specific art traffic?

    I bought a dropped domain a few months ago and only just developed. After putting a few pieces of content on it, it jumped immediately to #2 for 18k and 11k exact match terms as well as #3 for a couple of 5k terms (CPC around $1.40). It's currently getting around 2000 visitors per month. I...
  18. Louey37

    How to find decent VA's on oDesk

    I just wrote this out for a mate, thought you guys might find something useful in it. NOTE: I'm not claiming to be an expert or anything, this is just what I do and it works for me. If you have something else that works for you, feel free to share it. NOTE2: I use oDesk because they have a...
  19. Louey37

    Kiarra Wolfe. Yes.

    Wow... Where were 18 year olds like this when I was growing up? (don't know how to embed).
  20. Louey37

    First ever 5 figure month

    I've been bouncing around $3k - $5k per month for the last 12 months but I finally cracked 5 figures (with 10 hours to go). I know this might not seem like much for you big guys but it feels fucking awesome. If anyone cares about what I've done to get here, I've journaled the whole thing. It's...