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  1. bizzykehl invitation code

    Anyone have one of these? pm appreciated. thxmuch. ps. Eileen Harrington nudepix in return.
  2. bizzykehl

    Tracking202 account setup

    Hi, trying to get tracking202 to work, here is the code I have: <div class="content.ie5"><a href="">Click Here for free trial</a></div> For some reason that link doesnt seem to be tracking properly, why is this? Its not showing...
  3. bizzykehl

    anyone in the wedding niche?

    need backlinks. pm pls! tks
  4. bizzykehl

    automated poster for

    link... gxdia. Here you go kiddies, Automated Poster for sign up for my blog. and stuff.
  5. bizzykehl


    ( o )( o ) ..perfection.
  6. bizzykehl

    untapped affiliate potential on the iPhone

    It's possible to put ads inside applications... just an idea. Anyone tried this? any success?
  7. bizzykehl - like it? love it? worth it?

    Just wrote an auto-ad-poster for ... Wondering if I wasted my time.. Anyone had any success with this site? If I were to polish up my app and offer it as a service would anyone be interested? How much would you be willing to pay (honest opinions only)? Thanks! bizzy
  8. bizzykehl

    I have $3K. What should I do with it?

    Hi everyone, I recently received a little bit of money (3 grand) and I'm looking at getting more into affiliate marketing. I've run several successful SEO campaigns in the past, and I own my own web design business. But this money is purely "play" money, and I'd like to start turning a profit...