Search results

  1. -Matt-

    Wordpress page that lists eBay auctions

    I am looking for a WP plugin that allows me to pull relevant eBay auctions onto a single page of the WP site. I'm not looking for phpbay or mcjiffy, just something that lists 20 or so auctions onto one page (no "go to next page" etc) I found a site that does exactly what I want...
  2. -Matt-


  3. -Matt-

    You Know What Time It Is (500 Posts)

  4. -Matt-

    Question about duplicate content

    Alright, I have a newbie question about duplicate content. I was considering buying Instant Article Wizard Pro which pulls 1-2 sentences from various sources and combines them all to make one (somewhat) readable paragraph. If the produced article only takes one or two sentences from several...
  5. -Matt-

    New Google SEO Docs - NoFollow Explained

    Matt Cutts posted this: Improved SEO documentation galore! Google's new page on nofollow: What is nofollow and why was it created?
  6. -Matt-

    Need HTML template converted to WP theme

    I have a standard compliant, tableless, html/css template I need converted into a WordPress theme. Please PM me your price and turnaround. I can't imagine it taking more than an hour or so to do. I need this done today preferably.
  7. -Matt-

    Way to fucking funny

    Came across this and had to post it. Hilarious as hell.
  8. -Matt-

    How Many Diggs To Get On Front Page?

    As someone who has never really used Digg, except to digg some peoples websites on this forum, how many Diggs does it take to get to the front page (even if it gets burried seconds later)? I was thinking about using subvertandprofit dot com to get an article of mine on the front page.
  9. -Matt-

    Life Is A Bitch

    Life is a bitch. Thankfully, there is almost always a product to solve life's problems. Apple, Inc seems to be on top of providing such products like the iPod allowing you to take music with you everywhere you go. And Apple has done it again! Coming next June: the iQuit. $399 for 10 GB...
  10. -Matt-

    30+ Domains For Sale @ $5 Each. All Must Go!

    I'm trying to clean out my GoDaddy and NameCheap accounts.... A1LINKEXCHANGE.COM FREEMEGABYTES.COM FRESHGECKO.COM ICEJOKES.COM IDEVTALK.COM IW8U.COM (i wait u) MYGOLFINSTRUCTIONS.COM RLMP.ORG SWAB.US WAVY.US ZEXOO.COM ^The above domains are at GoDaddy The following domains are at NameCheap...
  11. -Matt-

    Leave PC Alone!!!

    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425"...
  12. -Matt-

    Selling paid text link ads

    Quick question regarding the recent PageRank penalties imposed on blogs selling text links: if I were to sell text links on my website, would I get penalized if they are nofollow links? Or does Google only penalize dofollow paid links?
  13. -Matt-

    See where cloaked links go

    I seem to remember someone on this forum linking to a service that allows you to see where links such as go. I can't find that thread again, and Google's not showing me anything. Anybody know of such a service? Thanks
  14. -Matt-

    Must Have Feedback Option

    I found this via the following blog post. Hilarious - though with a type :D Must have Feedback Option : “General Whinging and Bitching” |
  15. -Matt-

    Affiliate Silver Bullet?

    Anyone have an opinion on affiliatesilverbullet dot com? As a complete newbie who knows very little about writing effective landing pages, would this be a good way to start my journey as an affiliate? To sum up their long sales pitch, it seems that for $37/mo I will be provided with 10...
  16. -Matt-

    Copyright Notice

    <Insert company name here> Confidential. Copyright <year> <Big Corporation>. All Rights Reserved. The piece of code you are now perusing was written in the service of a huge and powerful corporation. We know who you are. We know that you're reading this. We know...