Search results

  1. -Matt-

    Don't Harrass Texans Online

    Online Harassment: New Texas Internet Law Goes Into Effect : Internet Law and Business Blog
  2. -Matt-

    Firefox addon for tagging or marking parts of a page

    Does anyone here know of an addon for Firefox that allows a user to tag/mark/highlight text on a webpage so that when bookmarked I can later go back to that page and easily find paragraphs of interest? I'm having to do a lot of research for one of my poli sci classes and want to mark sections...
  3. -Matt-

    What WP Plugin is this?

    I've been seeing alot of WP blogs posting excerpts from Google news. They all append: "Original Post By Google News Click Here For The Entire Article" Anyone know what WP plugin or whatever they are using?
  4. -Matt-

    xmas blonde

    Always thought these were funny as hell. The christmas blonde Ep. 1 - Flash Ghetto - Free Online Games, Strategies, Sports, Racing, Jokes The christmas blonde Ep. 2 - Flash Ghetto - Free Online Games, Strategies, Sports, Racing, Jokes The christmas blonde Ep. 3 - Flash Ghetto - Free Online...
  5. -Matt-

    Embedding The Stack

  6. -Matt-

    The New WickedFire

    It seems that over the last few weeks more often than not you see this when browsing WickedFire:
  7. -Matt-

    xkcd ftw

    xkcd - A Webcomic - Listen to Yourself Read the image alt text
  8. -Matt-

    I'm Bo Yo - Some Hilarious Shit

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true"...
  9. -Matt-

    Anyone else seeing this?

    I keep getting the DB connection errors on WF throughout the day for the last couple of days. Anyone else keep getting this?
  10. -Matt-

    Fast Domain / Hosting Management Software?

    I came across this CB product when I was taking a look at a friend's website (it was a banner advert on there) and thought it would be pretty cool to use software like this. h--p:// I'd prefer not to buy this from that site though (or even download it for free from a...
  11. -Matt-

    Javascript link question

    Alright, so I have thepage.php which contains the following code: <a href="#" onclick="$('app').hide(); $('controls').show(); return false;">click here</a> When I click on that it hides the text displaying on that page and then pulls up a form for me to modify the text. My question is: if I...
  12. -Matt-

    Now Do This - New Task Management App

    I found this cool app that is only a couple of days old - now do this: It's extremely simple - both the idea and the site itself. I've been using it for the past 2 hours and think it is pretty useful. I use pen + paper to make my daily to do lists usually but I like how this idea forces you...
  13. -Matt-

    Epic Raven Riley Thread

    Keep it alive, post more Raven Riley pics!
  14. -Matt-

    If Fonts Were People

    I got a good laugh out if this, but I think this video proves beyond a doubt that some people have way too much time on their hands if they make videos like this. If Fonts Were People (Video) |
  15. -Matt-

    90% There

    This is to 900 posts on WickedFire. 900 time wasting posts.... Since I'm ALMOST to 1,000 posts - I'm posting some ALMOST naked pics. They're still hot, feel free to add more to the post.
  16. -Matt-

    Wordpress Homepage Redirect Question

    Quick question: does anyone know of a quick way to to redirect the hompage of a site powered by WP 2.5 to another site? I don't mess much with WP and don't want to screw up the .htacess file or the index.php file unless it's not going to screw up the rest of the site. WordPress › Redirection «...
  17. -Matt-

    I'm going to Best Buy...

    To pick up a bunch of copies of ubuntu. And to think I wasted 5 minutes downloading my copy.... Ubuntu Linux - Linux
  18. -Matt-

    Vote for Bush, I mean Jobs.

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true"...
  19. -Matt-

    French Military Defeats - Hilarious

    I found this out from a blog I am subscribed to. Go to Google, type in french military victories and hit I'm Feeling Lucky (not regular search) You should get something like this: Thought it was a laugh worth sharing.