Search results

  1. harrymouni

    Blekko - New Search Engine with Accurate IBL stats

    New searchengine posted on techcrunch, in private beta now but: Lol, sounds good, skip to 7mins on the video, data does seem actually complete and better than Yahoo. Wonder how long all this data will last. Thoughts?
  2. harrymouni

    Inception - Complete mindfuck of a film

    Just back from it, unreal, Nolan's the filmmaker of our generation. I know I'll be googling all night for explanations. I won't give any spoilers for Yanks seeing it Friday night but if you've no plans to see, GO!
  3. harrymouni

    facebook connect

    This is probably a bit of a long shot but anyone out there with 'real' member websites and who want to discuss facebook connect and the ways of convincing users to authenticate your site, let you post to their stream, etc. hit me up on PM, i'm playing around with it at the moment.
  4. harrymouni

    akinator: character guessing game

    Think of any character, this site will ask you 20 questions and take a guess. It's scary how good it is. Don't know HOW this works. Akinator, the Web Genius
  5. harrymouni

    cheapest cloud for storing user-generated crap

    Hey, I've a fairly popular site where users upload their own stuff and it's filled up my 250gb hard drive on my server at the planet. I'm wondering does anyone have a site like this and what 'solution' (hate that word) did they use? I was thinking of checking out theplanet or Amazons cloud...
  6. harrymouni

    Any Europeans here going to ad:tech London?

    Any european wickedfire members heading to ad:tech in London, ad:tech London 2009 - Think strategy, not just technology! I think a few of the US networks are going. Could be good.
  7. harrymouni

    adwords ad using my display URL

    Hey, I did a search on a main keyword of an organic site I have that I'm doing no adwords advertising with and see my site as the display URL of somebody elses ad! When I clicked it goes to some MFA site. Was surprised that Google let this thorugh, I thought display had to match destination. If...
  8. harrymouni

    new russiand and nigerian oil partnership

    BBC NEWS | Business | Gazprom seals $2.5bn Nigeria deal cracked me up
  9. harrymouni

    ukranian playmate

    damn, she serious
  10. harrymouni

    PHP/cUrl programmer for hire

    In between losing my life on failed FB campaigns I'm whoring myself out for custom php/mysql/curl programming jobs. Basically if you need something automated, talk to me. I've *a lot* of experience doing this, basically sniffing webpackets as you do something online and automating it through...
  11. harrymouni

    For Sale: PHP Facebook API script

    Sick of waiting for the official facebook ads API? Download my PHP version, lets you login into your fb account and create ads all from your PHP script. So you can pretty much automate ad creation pulling titles from your databases. Included is a mysql table of all US cities that you can target...
  12. harrymouni

    ot: miami nightlife?

    Completely off topic but I'm in Miami now at the moment with 10 lads and girls from Ireland and we're trying to find good places to go out. Tried Nikki Beach and Mansion in South Beach for Saturday and Sunday and they're both a load of cock, shocking prices, ages to get in, full of posers and...
  13. harrymouni

    Skittles II

    as long as there's no nudity, it's alright mods, yeah?!
  14. harrymouni

    shoemoney wikipedia

    I'm no shoemoney basher like a lot on here but how the hell does he deserve a wikipedia page?! It makes a mockery of the website. I'm sure he created it himself somehow. Jeremy Schoemaker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  15. harrymouni

    message to jessica alba

    jesus, this guy is an embarrassment to the nation <object height="344" width="425"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>