Search results

  1. rileypool

    Cocaine soars 89%!

    From this site: Massive drug sweep nets 750 arrests: US Where the fuck do they get these outrageous figures?
  2. rileypool

    My first content database site

    So here I am getting my first php and sql hands-on experience. I've done basic php tweaking on existing scripts. I've done some SQL in Access which from what I can tell is basically the same. I'm using the free music video content database supplied to me by signing up for Seocracy's Content...
  3. rileypool

    Affiliate Manager Expectations

    What are your expectations from your affiliate manager? Mine are simple. Timely responses. I HATE waiting a few hours for a response, let alone 24 hours. Anything over 4 hours is unacceptable in my opinion. And I hate waiting for anything longer than 2 hours when it comes to this...
  4. rileypool

    Offers Site

    What site is it that has all the networks offers so you can compare them? I cannot find it for the life of me.
  5. rileypool

    Me + Facebook PPC = EPIC FAIL

    Alright, I've blown through a decent amount of my $250 in Facebook coupons in my account. I have yet to get a SINGLE conversion using Facebook. I wanted to get some insight on what I'm doing wrong in a particular campaign. Sorry if I'm outing anybody's niche right here. I tried this as and...
  6. rileypool

    I need a hi-res image

    I'm trying to find a high resolution copy of this picture. Does anybody have one? I've tried Photobucket and Google Image Search without any luck. It needs to have a width of at least 920px.
  7. rileypool

    PPC Help

    I'm trying to figure out how to properly setup an ad campaign. I'm already signed up on NeverBlue. I've picked out a campaign. I've created a loong list of keywords; one that I feel is appropriate. Tomorrow I will use PPC Campaign Builder to build a large list of campaign ads. Here's where...
  8. rileypool

    490k Unique Individuals Info

    I've got 490k worth of people's data. I know some of you here could use this to your advantage. It is not a targetted list, just random. But you could filter the data by the different columns to get a targetted demographic out of it, but that's your business, not mine. It's got these...
  9. rileypool

    Payday Loan Niche

    I know at least a few of you are heavily involved in the Payday loan niche. I'm pretty sure I just landed a job at a Payday loan store here locally. Could this be of benefit to any of you that are involved in this niche?
  10. rileypool

    Sports-related Offers

    Without giving away my idea I've got a killer idea for a sports-related niche. I want to find some offers (even e-mail/zip submits) that are also sports-related. None of the networks I'm signed up with have any other than CPA Empire's NFL vs. NCAA Football and UK Soccer Jerseys. Anybody know...
  11. rileypool

    php troubles!

    Okay, php is being a complete bitch to me right now and I for the life of me can't figure out why this code won't display like I think it should. Here's the code that I can get to work exactly like I want it to. echo '<input type="text" name="Avatar '.$int.'" class="" onclick=""...
  12. rileypool

    Simple PHP Troubles...

    Using the techinques in this thread I'm rewriting some of my code and I can't get the variable to populate in the <img> tag. Can anybody tell me why? <?php $file =...
  13. rileypool

    Any Facebook Developers here?

    I've been toying around with developing an application for facebook. I'm wondering who else might be doing the same. Anybody?
  14. rileypool

    WTB: Landing Page Designs

    For those of you who design landing pages send me a PM or hit me up on one of the IM services. I'm needing a few here and there so let me know.
  15. rileypool

    Landing Pages

    Anybody care to give me a few pointers on landing pages. I created 3 of them today and would like to know what you guys think. I don't really want to throw them out there for the masses so they can jump in my niche and take whatever revenue I'm creating for myself. I KNOW they're shitty...
  16. rileypool

    Virt/Dedi Server for Backup Purposes?

    Hey all, I recently took a Consulting job to fix a small investment firm's current IT infrastructure. What I want to do now is provide for them a off-site backup location in case of a disaster. Right now there's <20gb of data I would like to backup but let's call it 25gb to play safe and to...
  17. rileypool

    Suggestions Wanted for

    I currently own a domain and have the a few subdomains setup using Eli's WP-Autoblog plugin. Yet, I still have NOTHING on my I figure since the two terms are a very general subject I could possibly have multiple paths with which I could go. Do any of you guys have...
  18. rileypool

    Which route should I take?

    First off I am a newbie to the Internet Marketing industry. I first got started with myspace after I lost my job back in November of 2006 and made decent money until they started suing everybody so I quit. I have been trolling around on these forums and reading an uninmaginable number of posts...