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  1. P

    Designing for yourself or for your audience?

    After reading through some blog posts about I've been thinking that attractive sites don't really matter all that much. It always seems to be the ugly ones making the big bucks. I mean I think I have a pretty good idea of what looks good but it seems secondary now that I'm...
  2. P

    Not really a for sale thread but dunno where else to put it...

    When you're looking to buy or sell a site, how do you evaluate it's worth. Is there a standard rule of thumb? 10 months income? 12?
  3. P

    How about a hot deals forum?

    I know it seems like almost every site has one now, but with the posters being so active we might get some legit deals posted The bad thing might be that it attracts non-webmaster types to the forum (that might not be a bad thing actually) who are only looking for hot deals
  4. P

    Anyone familiar with eaccelerator?

    Don't know if this would be the right forum but just wondering if any experts are on board that are familiar with eaccelerator? Basically I never saw a noticable difference between having it and not running it, does it really work?
  5. P

    For those who work from home...

    How do you stay focused and not get distracted all the time? I find it easier when I go to my office and try to get work done, it seems to help having some separation from home and work
  6. P

    Does it matter what tld extension you choose?

    Obviously .com is the most popular but does it hurt to use .info, .us, etc?
  7. P

    Post your control panel thoughts and reviews

    cPanel/WHM - It's more or less the standard when it comes to hosting it seems. Sometimes buggy (better to stay on the stable versions), bit of a resource hog but hard to get away from. Interworx - New kid on the block. Very nice integration of DNS, APF Firewall, IP management, other nice...
  8. P

    What you should know about VPS accounts

    VPS accounts have gained in popularity recently and more and more people are jumping on the VPS bandwagon. What makes them attractive is that they're usually advertised as sort of a budget dedicated server. In many ways that's true, in both good and bad ways. Good -You have more control over...
  9. P

    Changing hosts: a checklist

    Your life will be a lot easier if you have control over a few things such as DNS and root access to your account or control panel. If you don't, give your host a little extra time and you should be ok 1) A few days before you plan to move, change your DNS ttl refresh times. Most likely they...
  10. P

    I got a Kodak v570 camera with 2GB Sd card fs

    Brand new, anyone want it before I put it up on ebay? Well actually I have 2 of them... I'd like $375 plus shipping if you're interested
  11. P

    How do you make a post index with Wordpress?

    I looked around in their forums and found some posts but couldn't really get it to work... what I'm trying to do is make a page that lists all my posts alphabetically, pretty much an index. Anyone got some tips or a link I can read?