Search results

  1. JarredLv

    As a self employed person, how do you find...

    Fuck. My weed guy is gone. That selfish asshole moved away to be closer with his family. Prick. Regardless, he's been my guy for years and I met him when I had a steady job. Now that I don't, I'm finding it it super fucking tough to find some grass. My friends are useless in this area. Any...
  2. JarredLv

    Just got a call, slick new scam out there

    Just got a phone call from "MasterCard Security Department" saying there had been unusual charges made and wanted to verify I made them. So they asked me for my card numbers and expiration date and the three digit security code from the back...the thing is, I don't have a MasterCard and have...
  3. JarredLv

    Anyone work with NdustryClix? I saw an ad for them on Facebook and was thinking about signing up with them and dropping all my other networks and running tens of thousands of dollars worth of traffic to their offers right away without waiting to see if they pay me. They seem beyond reputable.
  4. JarredLv

    Impression on Facebook and MySpace...

    So I'm a little baffled. I'm using both Facebook and MySpace to promote a CPL. The targeting is pretty much the same on both sites and I keep it targeted to around 200,000 people. When I run it on Facebook I have no problem getting impression. 15-20 thousand in a relativly short period. Now when...
  5. JarredLv

    Order of tasks...

    I've been working on a campaign tonight as I began to wonder if the order in which you complete tasks has any effect on quality of efficiency. Just wondering what others thinks about that. When working on CPA offers utilizing landing pages, does it really matter what you do first or last? For...
  6. JarredLv

    Transparent images...

    Need a little advice here. I'm modifyings a WP template, primarily the header banner. The background of header is a simple gradient. When I want to do is make a simple text header with my site name, but obviously I need the background of my banner logo to match the gradient of the background...
  7. JarredLv

    Lower payout offers and profitability...

    In reading some thread on here I see a lot of talk about profitable campaigns being directly related to the payout on the offer. Obviously it helps, but I was wondering how one would make a profitable campaign out of the lower payout offers. I've been running some email submits on Facebook and...
  8. JarredLv

    Writing copy...

    I was wondering if any of you had some decent links or advice on the do's and dont's of writing site copy? I searched around on affbuzz, here, and some other places and couldn't really find anything. I'm getting my first PPC CPA site up and the last thing to do is write so I was hoping to find...
  9. JarredLv

    Anyone go/going/at to DefCon?

    So I just got back from picking up my badges for DefCon (unfamiliar? Check out This is my 5th year attending. I fucking love DefCon. Today I sat in on a lock picking talk and I'm about to go into a one regarding the basics of soldering and working with electronics. So much cool shit...
  10. JarredLv

    JarredLV's journal. This noob will make it.

    After reading through Lemon's excellent journal, I figure that it would be a good thing for me to start my own in an effort to organize my thoughts and actions which should make me more efficient. I also lack any kind of accountability, I'm hoping that this will provide me some in addition to...
  11. JarredLv

    Questions about Media Buys

    Forgive me if I used the wrong term, but if I'm not mistaken Media Buys are when you purchase banner space on another website? Well, I've had something I've wanted to try. I've gathered a list of 100 or so blogs that I can advertise CPA offers on for around $10-15 a month. Each of them gets 6-10...
  12. JarredLv

    Finding niches (not what you think)

    In browsing this and other forums, I see a bunch of talk about "finding the right niche." But the more I read and learn about AM, the more I think it's centered on just a few common and competative niches. I'm signed up with three networks; C2M, A4D, and Advaliant. And all of them seem to be...
  13. JarredLv

    A tip from a newbie...

    I can't offer much yet, but I figured I'd give advice when I can -- Proof read your ads:
  14. JarredLv

    Shared hosting of EPN sites?

    I've decided to get on with EPN in an attempt to earn some steady passive income. I'm not a member of EPN yet, last time I applied I never heard back, I assume it's because I didn't have a website built yet. Anyway, what I was thinking of doing is just grabbing yet another Zensix account and...
  15. JarredLv

    Software recommendations

    I tried doing a search, but FTP is too short for the filters. I'm looking for a decent free FTP and Editor (preferably non WYSIWYG). Was curious what folks here use.... Hell, why I'm here. Any other software that you use that has helped make your AM life easier?
  16. JarredLv

    Building a dedicated AF computer, advice sought...what the hell, boobies too!

    So I've decided to build a dedicated box just for my internet ventures. Partially because photoshop/dreamweaver is dragging on my current machine and partially because having my gaming/masturbating rig also serve as my work machine impacts my productivity. So I was curious as the the setup of...
  17. JarredLv

    Taking on a saturated niche/keyword...

    So I browse the domain auctions frequently and I came across a domain I couldn't pass up. It's a 15 letter .com with the words "make" and "money" in it, and was able to grab it for $10. So far, it's easily the best domain I have. I was thinking of developing a blog and doing some Organic SEO on...
  18. JarredLv

    Acai and outing LP's...

    So, I think learning what not to do is just as important as learning what to do. That being said, I've been trying to piece together what happened with Acai campaigns. I see a lot of talk about people getting banned and accounts being suspended and what not. I was hopping that someone could...
  19. JarredLv

    GoDaddy Domain Auction Service?

    Did a search, didn't find a thread on this. Anyone ever use it? I see a few domains going for pretty cheap that I want to take a stab at, but have heard mixed reviews on GoDaddy (I have 9 domains with them currently, no problems so far). They automatically make you purchase 1 year of...