Search results

  1. c4yrslf12

    Workout Guys, Any Thoughts?

    I think it has some merit. Think of the fucking possiblities... Yoga Undressed - YouTube
  2. c4yrslf12

    Whats so great about this half court shot?

    CNN Video - Breaking News Videos from The priceless face of the dude. You also get to see a high school girl upskirt.
  3. c4yrslf12


    "With PlayStation 4, serious games are about to become much more social. A player can broadcast his game play in real time, and his friend can peek into his game and hop in to help. Also, players will now be able to upload recordings of themselves playing and send them to their friends." With...
  4. c4yrslf12


    Mortgage rates rising, gold at a low, oil up...create your own conclusions
  5. c4yrslf12

    Speech to Text

    Curious if anyone knows any free (or cheap) speech-to-text programs which aren't too shaky to use. I log a lot of hours in the car and could get quite a bit of content via laptop while I'm mobile. TIA inb4 youretoodamncheap.jpg :bowdown:
  6. c4yrslf12

    Back From The Dead Thread

    Post Your Favorite Vid Under 5 Mins, Preferrably Forgotten Ones Drinking Out of Cups (Original) - YouTube
  7. c4yrslf12

    Twitter | The Twitterverse Explained

    Twitter | The Twitterverse Explained ======================================== If you're looking for a product to buy which will give you short-term, synthetic Twitter distinction, this isn't for you. Turn back now.This is action-based, manual labor which might yield you real traffic. This is the...
  8. c4yrslf12

    Industry Stats

    Just curious if anyone knows of a place to get statistics for any/all industries based on traffic:buys. IE 2% conversions for finance industry, 3% for fitness/health, 1% for xyz industry. I don't really care about the conversion revenue as much as just the conversion percentages per...
  9. c4yrslf12


    Does he, or doesn't he? Please quit trolling the forum already. Either be USEFUL or be gone.
  10. c4yrslf12

    President's Day

    Monday, February 18th 2013 is arriving fast. Just want to know if you guys are having any special BBQ's to Celebrate Obama on Washington's Birthday.... Cuz that makes real fucking sense. He's actually really good at one thing though. Cuz that fucking helps us all...
  11. c4yrslf12

    Broker..ish Questions

    Say I had an idea, which would be a site to bring buyers to sellers. Not LEADS, but actual POS. What in the world kind of platform do I need to get this going? I basically need to house information from the person 'posting' to a limited number of 'buyers/viewers'. By limited, I truly mean...
  12. c4yrslf12

    100th Post -- XYZ

    100th Post ========== Know what you are. Don't say "Internet Programmer" or "Affiliate Marketer -- Full Time." Call it like it is. You're a Salesman. How do salesmen make money? Sales. How are sales made? Buyers. How do you find buyers? The Law of Large Numbers. Here's a snippet for you...
  13. c4yrslf12


    Just bought a domain for $.99 + $.18ICANN = $1.17 Coupon code at retailmenot()com:hitit_sml:
  14. c4yrslf12

    Just A Heads Up

    So if you haven't already gotten it, I got nailed by it today. It's being called the "FBI Virus" and it blows. Not because it's difficult, it's so basic, but just royally pisses you off. Basically a landing page stays up on your monitor so you can do nothing but turn your computer on/off, or...
  15. c4yrslf12

    Domain Reservations

    is there any way to reserve a domain? I just recently found an incredible EMD and within the hour, went back to pay for it. Suddenly it was gone. :boid:
  16. c4yrslf12


    Quick questions regarding ahrefs... 1. is there a lag time in how long it takes ahrefs to 'see' a backlink? 24/48 hours? 2. (referring to picture) what exactly are the "rankings" on the left side of the graph? 3. after making a post on a very active blog (just one post), it created multiple...
  17. c4yrslf12

    Competition Sites

    So I've been spending the last day or two really checking out the top ranked sites for my competition, and those with the closest KW. Now, the niche I'm going after is somewhat obscure, with only about 3 or 4 sites promoting 'exactly' what I am. So the "competition" is virtually nothing, and...
  18. c4yrslf12

    Mind = Blown

    Wickedfire logo vs. Spitfire logo
  19. c4yrslf12

    Analyze This For Me?

    Attached. What are the pro's/con's of this search? Is it a good start to a niche?
  20. c4yrslf12

    IM Network

    Just wanted to see if any fellow newbs would like to Skype once a week to talk IM, review each others sites, pass along tips/tricks, etc. Browsing the net is fun and all, but it'd be cool to share struggles/progress together, learn a little. Open layout, no real structure in the beginning...