Search results

  1. BeerHat

    Need Some Short Cheap Videos

    I need someone who can create short unique videos (30 sec) . I need a few done for several niches. PM me your rates.
  2. BeerHat

    Battery Backup for Home PC?

    I need to get one, any suggestions?
  3. BeerHat

    Office Furniture

    I need a lot of office furniture. I spend more time here than anywhere else in the house, and it looks like it's been thrown together from a garage sale. Basically I need a couple of desks, filing cabinets, bookshelves, and something to hold my TV and xbox. Any online furniture stores you...
  4. BeerHat

    Someone who speaks German

    I need help translating some adcopy. Thanks!
  5. BeerHat

    WTB- Joomla project

    looking for someone experienced with joomla, extensions, and templates.
  6. BeerHat

    Free Keyword Lists

    I'm going to be cancelling my keyword subscription soon (in the next few days), if anyone wants keyword lists, pm me and I'll get it to you.
  7. BeerHat

    Microsoft bids for Yahoo

    I just heard this on CNN, anyone hear anything about Microsoft trying to buy Yahoo?
  8. BeerHat

    Soul Train with Don Cornelius

    Had I been born black, I would of been right there on soul train. Damn check out some of these moves. LOL <object height="355" width="425"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="355" width="425"></object>
  9. BeerHat

    Hackers Declare War on Scientology

    Saw this on drudge today. I think its great, Scientology is a fucking scam, but I guess if your dumb enough to pay, well then ... <object height="373" width="425"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"...
  10. BeerHat

    [WTB] Your tutorial site

    I'm interested in buying tutorial sites. Could be a blog too. Topics don't necessarily have to be tech related, anything is game.
  11. BeerHat

    Old School Rap

    I don't actually like rap too much, but I was reminiscing today, and some of these bring back some good memories. <object height="355" width="425"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="355"...
  12. BeerHat

    I Fucking Knew It!

    All this time, these asshole health-nut vegan motherfuckers saying drinking isn't good for you. I feel vindicated.
  13. BeerHat

    He-Man sings...yeap he's gay

    I remember as a kid, this cartoon didn't seem gay, but looking back now... <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=""...
  14. BeerHat


    Sorry I don't come around as much as I should ,,, but I'd like to ask the creative people of WF how they would carry out revenge on someone that owed them...oh let's say $5k. All you have is an address and email. Mind you, it should be within the law.
  15. BeerHat

    664 murders in L.A. So far this year

    WTF is up with Los Angeles? If you want to get depressed, read this blog by the homicide writer of the LA times. They actually need a person to just write about murders....
  16. BeerHat

    Webmaster Radio-Any good shows?

    Any shows worthy of listening to? I like to download some into my mp3 player when I go running, but it seems most of the shows on there suck.
  17. BeerHat

    Internet Sales Slowing says Drudge

    Here's the link. I wonder who these so-called experts are? I think its Bull.
  18. BeerHat

    Wordpress MU errors

    Recently installed wordpress MU on a domain of mine. everything is fine except for 2 things one: (both happening when I created a test blog) I have the word "array" showing up on some form input fields and second I'm getting this error when I click the "users" tab Fatal error: Unsupported...
  19. BeerHat

    Need some help scaling

    Ok, so I'm on my second campaign. My first one was Ok, I made 3:1 on ROI. BUt and it's a big But, I couldn't seem to scale it. Granted I was only running one campaign, and it was a highly competitive niche. Now I'm on my second campaign, I should specify this is PPC using big 3. I'm losing...
  20. BeerHat

    [WTB] Wordpress Theme Sponsorship

    I'm interested in sponsoring a good wordpress theme.