Search results

  1. N

    Writer Needed - Details Inside

    Hey WF, I'm looking to hire a content writer. I need about 10+ pages written on a specific topic, with pictures, and charts included. I'll be turning this into an ebook so "full and exclusive rights" must be surrendered to me and you as the author will remain anonymous. Send me a PM with...
  2. N

    Google Penalizes Itself!

    Google Penalizes Itself | WebProNews Way to go Google - way to go! Maybe they need some new SEO experts ;)
  3. N

    Popular Mechanics reviews ShamWow...

    I picked up this months Popular Mechanics magazine because the cover had a blurb on it about reviewing and testing various "As Seen On TV" products... Of course as soon as I opened it the first page was a review on ShamWow - here is a link to the test: Does the Shamwow Really Work? As Seen on...
  4. N

    Arbitrage Conspiracy - My Experience!

    [I don't know what these fuckers are doing to get people to flood positive posts about them on this forum and I don't care. Stop it. Virtually everyone that's said anything positive about it has under 10 posts, and quite frankly it smells strongly of bullshit to me. So this post is edited.]
  5. N

    Question on AdWords...and boobs

    I'm looking into some possible new products to promote, a big thing I've been using (with success) is AdWords... My question is about the hierarchy of AdWord listings...I want to target specific niche geo keywords instead of broad keywords...for example let's say I'm promoting Skin care...
  6. N

    Typical Landing Page Click-Thru Rate?

    Hey guys - new to WickedFire and affiliate marketing so if you need to flame me in my first post, I understand! Flame away! :angryfire::angryfire::angryfire: What would you consider to be an acceptable/typical click-thru rate for landing pages? Meaning the user makes it to your landing page...