Search results

  1. Benji49

    Investment Newsletter Niche

    Okay, just before settling down to another fun, fun day of analytics, research, HTML/CSS encoding and data feed configuration, I thought I would do a little bit of procrastination and wicked fire posting. So here goes: For the last nine months, I have been working with a guy on an investment...
  2. Benji49

    Linux virus hitting web servers

    On, I've got two VPS accounts and one reseller accounts down. On vpsoutlet (those are the guys that took over the Zensix shared hosting accounts), my one shared account is down. Hostgator looks to be okay at 10:32 pm west coast time. Looks the gumblar virus pissing on...
  3. Benji49

    Memory Requirement for Sitemap in Wordpress

    I have a blog with 3500+ posts. I was getting failures in building the XML-sitemap and track down the problem to not enough memory being set aside for php. Raised the memory limit to 64 megs in the php.ini file and can now get the sitemap to build if I limit the posts count to 2000. Question...
  4. Benji49

    The Damage Done, Steve Moves On

    Gee, I nearly missed this. Steve Hartman is leaving the Ebay Publisher Network Thank You, Happy Holidays, and Farewell in Special Discussion Boards in Community And I quote: "...I’m actually saying farewell to eBay Partner Network and am moving on to a new opportunity on the East Coast...
  5. Benji49

    Peak Oil my butt..

    Read this guy: Energy Report The Money Quotes: "TER: Do you see additional increases or advances in technology that will allow further recoverability of oil? KS: Absolutely. Right now, the oil industry is where the Internet was in 1996. These new technologies are coming in and we have not yet...
  6. Benji49

    Go through Affiliate Network or Set-up Your Own?

    Okay here is the setup: I'm working with a guy who writing a financial newsletter and selling subscription online. He's a got a website with some free content and selling access to the members' center (where you see the good stuff) for $300 a year. Before you start to roll your eyes...
  7. Benji49

    Need Landing Page Designer

    Need custom landing page built for a blog that sell financial newsletter subscriptions. The client is picky so assume that you'll have to do at least 2 revs. But the client will pay. Send me a pm of links to samples and rates and I will send you a link to his current incredibly crappy landing...
  8. Benji49

    DJ Beaten at Wedding

    I strongly condemn all forms of violence BUT he did play the Pet Shop boys. DJ beaten for shaking up Bedouin wedding in Israel - Yahoo! Canada News
  9. Benji49

    Credit card rebills and consumer complaints...

    Okay, pardon my stupidity, but this is driving me crazy and if anybody has any insight on this, I would appreciate it. Credit card rebills: Somebody cruises the web and clicks on an offer. It's an "aggressive" rebill offer so the guy fills in the form, sees the $2.95 trial cost, doesn't read...
  10. Benji49

    Scummy Eastern European Meds

    Does anybody know where I can sign up as affiliate for these scummy meds supposed to be better than antibiotics?
  11. Benji49

    Um, yeah so what IS allowed?

    I was checking out an offer on Hydra and came across this in terms of conditions: Channels of promotion allowed: Search-SEO Search-PPC Channels of promotion NOT allowed: Banners Incentives Contextual Text Links Pop-ups Sigh. Okay, so I can't put a banner or text-link in my blog but I...
  12. Benji49

    Post to many blogs tool?

    I was using Scribefire, (a firefox extension) to post to multiple blogs but it's broken with Wordpress 2.7 (any html markup doesn't get interpeted). What are other people using to post to their blogs (without going into the dashboard of each and every blog)?
  13. Benji49

    You guys should sign out this library book..

    Picked it up at the Riley branch of the public library in Vancouver, Canada. Noticed it while cruising for Richard Scary vids for the kids. Hey my tax dollars paid for this. My gift from me to you: Name of book: Busted!: Drug War Survival Skills, From the Buy to the Bust to Begging for Mercy...
  14. Benji49

    Adcenter equivalent to Google Global

    So I use this nice little firefox extension called Google Global to check competition on keywords in other countries like USA and Great Britain (I'm in Canada). But what do people use to check competition on Microsoft Adcenter?
  15. Benji49

    Wordpress migration tools?

    I just manually moved my wordpress + Bans web site to another server and it took about 3 hours. Lots of time spent on ftp and then export/importing the sql databases. Oh yeah, and some time spent reading the phpadmin documentation.:ugone2far: In the end, everything worked, but hmmm, are there...
  16. Benji49

    Unlocking PDF Ebooks

    Adobe provides a method of locking PDF files so they can't be sometimes printed, changed or otherwise altered in any form. You can buy PDF-cracking software but if you have a Mac you can do it for free. Open up sherlock, type in colorsync. Open up the colorsync application and use that to...
  17. Benji49

    Naahhh, Adwords doesn't work at all...

    So for about the last year or so, I have been working on retainer for a small company in Vancouver doing SEO and running an Adwords campaign for their business (along with some other stuff but whatever). When I started working there, the guy didn't even have a website up. Sales were about 120K...
  18. Benji49

    Those sneaky little Englishmen...

    (note from Benji49: sorry for the links that hard to see, did a copy and paste) From Alan Turnbull, Further to this Sunday Times story revealing GCHQ's plans for a multi-billion pound super-project sucking up all UK emails and website visits:- There’s no hiding place...
  19. Benji49

    Yet Another ACRU tracking issue by EPN

    confirmed on the EPN board by Ebay official reps Bonk! bonk! goes my head on the keyboard. Record month in October and revenue down by 30% in November and now I know why. ....
  20. Benji49

    10 Things I Wished Someone Had Told Me

    When first starting out in affiliate marketing, I wish somebody has told me this: 1. Never bid on one keyword in Adwords. Ever. Like "wii" at Christmas time. 2.The Fantastico script in control panel allows you to install Wordpress in about 20 seconds. Ten seconds if you can type fast. 3. A...