Search results

  1. Benji49

    So about these freelancers...

    Okay so I am REALLY swamped and my assistant quit to start a coffee shop with her husband and I decided to see if I could offload some work to some freelancers. Obviously I can't write a job spec worth jack: I put a bid out to port a website built on wordpress from one theme to another. The...
  2. Benji49

    Terrorist Attack in Canada's capital

    Ottawa Parliament Hill shooting: Live updates - Politics - CBC News Multiple gunmen reported, mulitple shooting. Canadian solder wounded, one gunman dead so far. (Ottawa is the capital of Canada, BTW)
  3. Benji49

    Summer Stock-Picking Contest

    Okay, with all the drama here lately about stock-picking, let's see if anybody here actually, you know, researches stocks and has a fucking clue. I will pick three stocks that I think will do well over the summer. You, if you choose to enter the contest will pick three stocks as well. The...
  4. Benji49

    Anybody deal with

    Just trying to get the account funded with a Canadian credit card. Which keeps getting rejected as I am not inputting the correct US state. Yes, I think it may be a problem with their front end. Voicemail only from their toll-free number. If anybody knows anybody over there that reaches out...
  5. Benji49

    Facebook Ad Spy?

    The Google is not finding anything of value. Or at least not yet. The Adzeta web site is down even. Proving harder than I thought it will be to find a tool. Anybody using anything nowadays?
  6. Benji49

    So could you Xrumer noobs dial it down a little?

    Just in April 30K spam comments on one site that gets xxx visitors a day. Coming in at a rate of about 150-175 an hour as we speak. Talk about pissing in the soup.
  7. Benji49

    Mtgox Wire transfer speed nowadays

    AFTER your account has been verified AFTER your wire transfer details have been validated How long does it take to get the money after you have initiated a wire transfer request? Anybody have any recent experience on this? thx...
  8. Benji49

    My terrible addiction...

    World of Tanks World of Tanks Right now I am grinding towards a level 9 m103. The WOT bulletin is filled with young assholes that love to grind newbies into the ground. Makes this place look like a a babysitting group. I'm not gonna tell how many hours a day I've burned on this game...
  9. Benji49

    The wife stole the keys again...

    ...she is always losing keys. So she takes mine while I am sleeping before heading off to work. This pisses me off. I was cruising for keyless locks but they didn't have a good selection. Anybody know where there is nice variety and good pricing for keyless locks? And oh...YEAH...
  10. Benji49

    Oldtimers: Oldest passive income site you have...go

    I have a site I built in 2008 that is essentially an Ebay affliate store with a few pictures of the product that I ripped off from the original site. Like a lot of people, I used to have dozens of the EPNmicrosites generating a few bucks a month. This is one of 4 left that I still keep...
  11. Benji49

    Where can I find some Adwords help in Vancouver

    Our main Adwords guy is all tapped out and we close to landing some lead-gen contracts. Just came from a team meeting where the big issue was wtf is our guy going to find the time to launch new campaigns. Where do you look for Adwords technicians who will work for a percentage of the ad spend?
  12. Benji49

    Wordpress Mobile redirect plugin?

    Need a wordpress plugin that will direct mobile users to a page loaded video format that works on ipad and iphone (and other mobiles) There are a few out there, does anybody have a favorite? Hell, does anybody have it working reliably yet?
  13. Benji49

    Facebook timeline for pages

    I like the look of Facebook timeline. It looks way better than the usual shite Facebook three column layout with ads down the right hand side. I want to set it up for my product pages, anybody have luck doing this? I've thrown it to my assistant but she hasn't figured it out so far. Anybody...
  14. Benji49

    Flavor trippin' or Miraculin

    Anybody ordered some? Reputable suppliers? Any of them ship to Canada? HowStuffWorks "Uses for Miraculin"
  15. Benji49

    Rant of the moderately wealthy...

    So I get up $325k to reno my house and the stupid contractor revises the quotes to $425k. It's day 4 since getting this shoved in my face and I'm still pissed. So another six months of working really hard to dig up $75k which will go to some contractor but not that one. My stupid roof on my...
  16. Benji49

    Any new on Jon's start up in Israel?

    I lost the link for it, if somebody wants to post it again, I would appreciate it. Plz don't tell me it crashed and burned, it looked to have some potential (for my niche anyways) Oh great, typo in the headline. It's Friday, time for martinis.
  17. Benji49

    Roy Walker you extortionate bastard

    Hello, We noticed your company's site is listed on Complaints Board If you haven't seen it already, I included a link below. Complaints Board You may know who this complaint is from. Unfortunately, whether the complaint is justified or not, a listing on a powerful website like Complaints...
  18. Benji49

    The Israelis just crack me up..

    Um, yeah, it was the "hand of God." Yeah that's it. That's the ticket. Cookies must be enabled | The Australian
  19. Benji49

    Best tracking for Adwords - Commission Junction?

    Christmas time and I thought it would be a good idea to get the assistant to build a few store pages with cj data feeds and learn some Adwords stuff before we let her loose on the money account. Now the store page is generating sales and we need to move to the next step which is tracking. Now...
  20. Benji49

    Prediction market software?

    Anybody have experience with this? I was looking at these guys: Prediction Markets - Inkling but they seem pretty pricing for our client base (2k+ members) I've doing the usual research using G but not much comes up for prediction market software. Does anybody know what intrade uses? Intrade...