Search results

  1. M

    Copyright - Need to play news footage or show screenshots of websites in sales video

    I'm creating a sales video right now and would like to include some news footage. However, after searching it looks like you need to pay to use/license this footage and I haven't been able to find what I need anyways. Also, due to the nature of my video they probably would not approve a special...
  2. M

    Need to make Exit Splash javascript ignore clickthrough URL

    I just added an exit splash javascript on one of my landing pages. It's working great, but the only problem is that it's working when people are trying to click through to the actual offer. I need it to ignore users who are clicking through to the offer and only work on users who are trying to...
  3. M

    Bing Ads makes me want to rage

    Thought I'd add some more domains to my website exclusions list. Tried adding 6 domains and turns out you can only exclude 2000 domains per campaign. So I click cancel, refresh to the home page and what do I find? All of my excluded sites have been deleted. Not just the 6 I tried adding, but...
  4. M

    Need form's source code to trigger tracking URL first

    I have a piece of source code on my page that looks like this: <script src=""></script> Basically on my page it embeds/creates a simple form and also the...
  5. M

    Day parting thresholds?

    I have a campaign right now that has been running since Jan. 28th 2013. 80 conversions, 4,626 clicks, $2,194 spent, and I'm starting to see a clear pattern that I get 0 conversions during specific hours of the day. However, these same hours have less clicks than the others like 20-40 visitors...
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    Bartr lets you advertise your apps for free

    Just found this and it looks like a really cool concept. Hey, devs, PaeDae’s Bartr turns advertising into a free service | VentureBeat
  7. M

    Twitter + Amex introduce "pay with a tweet"

    Here's the youtube demo: Amex Sync On Twitter - American Express - YouTube Very basic and limited right now but I think we all know where this is headed.
  8. M

    Chris Dorner found in big bear

    Shot two cops and got away. Meanwhile dresden is scared shitless slamming keystone in his cabin and playing rc simulators.
  9. M

    Do you hire freelancers often? Have in-house employees? I'd like to talk to you.

    If you regularly hire freelancers, virtual assistants, or even if you have full time in-house employees I'd like to talk to you. Especially if you are giving any of these people access to your accounts like facebook, pinterest, Email service provider, vimeo, etc... basically any type of online...
  10. M

    Do you trust VA's and employees with account logins? Ever had it backfire?

    Just curious if you guys allow your VA's and employees to login to any of your online services like facebook, pinterest, 3rd party email providers, etc.? Seems like a lot of us go through so many different freelancers for different things. Especially when you're strapped for cash and on a...
  11. M

    Can anyone refer me to an XML freelancer for ecomm store + dropshipper automation?

    Right now my zen cart store gets product and price updates every day. My dropshipper already has all of their automation tech setup and ready to go, but when I first started my store I didn't know any better so I've been using a 3rd party service that basically did the one-time setup and now...
  12. M

    Boat Insurance Lead Gen Offer Needed

    I need some type of boat insurance lead gen. Thanks for the recommendations.
  13. M

    Further monetizing buyer leads for niche offers?

    I have already done as much as I can in terms of building out an extensive offer funnel with upsells and downsells + backend emails for affiliate offers. What I'm looking for is a company to sell my leads to. The problem is these aren't leads for a typical bizopp, dating, or nutra offer. I know...
  14. M

    Shark tank vag

    Credit goes to skyfire. Thanks for making me laugh man.
  15. M

    Anyone here have a membership?

    I'd like to ask you a few questions before I sign up. Just shoot me a PM.
  16. M

    Looking to network with my fellow info product owners

    I'm looking to network with my fellow info product owners/advertisers on here. Just looking to shoot the shit, share ideas, etc. Just shoot me a PM.
  17. M

    Anyone know a good support / ticket / help desk solution for wordpress?

    Need a good ticket support system for wordpress. The only name burned into my brain is zendesk and I don't want to pay them $24/month for something that I know should be handled by a one-time fee. I just need anyone who uses the blog, customers, prospects etc. to be able to shoot me a ticket...
  18. M

    Anyone using nanacast?

    My current membership solution isn't cutting it anymore. Nanacast looks like it will work great, but I'm a little hesitant about letting someone else host my signup, cc submit, order pages for me. Anyone currently using them? Use them in the past? Some pros and cons etc. would be appreciated...
  19. M

    Clicktale alternatives?

    I need to find a good visitor recording solution asap. I don't care about heatmaps, scrollmaps, or anything else.. right now what I really need are good visitor recordings for my secure signup and order pages. Don't like clicktale and can't use the free version even if I wanted to because it...
  20. M

    Using adcenter pixel with 202's universal smart pixel

    Tried using the entire javascript code that adcenter gives you for goal/conversion tracking. Entered it into 202, realized 202 won't take the entire code and that it just needs the second source URL that's within the iframe of adcenter's code. I took this source URL and added https in front of...