Search results

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    Tracking202 wont generate tracking links

    Whatup everyone. So introduced my buddy to AM about a month ago and now that its summer I've been showing him everything he needs to get started. I'm at his house right now and I'm helping him launch his first campaign and I'm trying to run him through t202 as well. Steps 1-5 of the202...
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    Rotating wordpress landing pages?

    Ok. So I am really only using 1 theme. I want to be able to make several different versions though with diff pics, text, colors etc you guys know the drill. There is a wordpress plugin called lp jumper and you set percentages for your diff themes and it rotates them . The only problem is...
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    Protect Your Online Reputation

    Just saw a commercial for They claim that "90% of people take page one google results as fact" It's only $19.95 to protect your e-reputation... What a deal! Celebrity clients include Pace Lattin, Nick Throlson, and Amit Mehta.
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    Let's talk about liquid assets

    Ok, so I understand that some examples of liquid assets are stocks, bonds, gold coins, treasury bills, etc. I have been looking into all of the different ways to invest money for the future and there is so much out there that my head is starting to spin. A good friend of mine has mentioned...
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    New miracle beverage?

    Supposedly speeds up metabolism, and can help kick addictions to coffee and alcohol. Lets get some offers going for this. ;) whats-lindsay-lohans-strange-beverage: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
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    2011 Hyundai Sonata

    Anybody checked this car out yet? Thinking about buying one towards the end of summer.
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    Boiler room definitely one of the best fuckin movies of all time! Google ban got ya feelin a little down? Watch this itll cheer you up and give you back at least one of the nuts google stole from you YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
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    This kid hustled harvard

    New Details on Harvard Hoax I wonder how far this kid would have gotten if his parents wouldnt have stopped him....
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    Fat kid screams for his life

    Never posted a vid before but I saw this yesterday and knew i had to
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    Prosper202 1.3.2 Hosting? (Please Dont Kill Me)

    whatup wf, so basically I have been hearing so many things like how prosper202 wont work with hostgator now, how 1.5 is buggy as hell, bloosky is raping the keywords etc. Usually I would go on what the search forum button brings me :D but I feel like the info could possibly be outdated. I...
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    Best Places To Live? (Women + Money + Real Estate + Etc)

    Whatup wf, i currently live in southern california and i love it. The girls, the beach, its awesome. The only problem is that the future is not looking bright. Taxes are high, real estate out here is ridiculously overpriced, illegal immigrants are ruining everything etc. I have just started...
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    Tracking winning keywords with wordpress landing pages?

    Ok so heres the deal. I like to make all my landing pages and landing sites with wordpress. It is too easy to get a new site up in 5min. Sometimes I have a domain, install wordpress, and literally use just 1 landing page and that is it, but other times i actually make a landing site, with...