Search results

  1. thehobbster

    Casual Conversation about the Sandbox

    I know there are a million sandbox threads, but this is not "one of those." I just got done reading some on here and BHW and I wanted to toss some ideas out there and just talk about it. Generally I see people blaming massive link building straight to the money site as the cause. This has...
  2. thehobbster

    Searching the WEB

    I was rummaging around the office at work and found a list someone had put together long ago. I got a huge chuckle out of this. Notice the jotted down notes on the side, telling which search engines are good for graphics or research. Notice who is NOT on there as well. Pretty fun stuff. I...
  3. thehobbster

    Adsense not showing on certain pages?

    I've got a site of about 15 pages and it's starting to generate some serious money. So I've turned to it and am really picking over the on-page details. In this process I came across something I remembered from months ago... I have three pages that Adsense refuses to show up on. I have the...
  4. thehobbster

    Facebook Likes and Twitter Retweets

    We've all been aware that these are ranking signals as now confirmed by Google. And my grumpy ass said "hell no. It's not automatable yet and I'm not getting into active income again." But now I feel like I have to, of course. And now I need to understand exactly what I need to manipulate...
  5. thehobbster

    I can get the EMD for a phrase with a CPC of $20.06. Can I rank it?

    140 Exact Global Searches $20.06 CPC average across all bid positions Top 10 have PR's of: 3, 3, 5, 4, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6, 5 Domain Ages of: 9, 14, 15, 12, 3, 8, -, 14, 8, 14 Got a couple EDUs in there. Backlinks to the Page seem like cake. At least five of these have zero backlinks. There is...
  6. thehobbster

    How can I decode the footer in this theme? That is the theme "Bosky" by Skinpress. I looked everywhere today and finally found a theme that suited the atmosphere I was going for better. I tried about four themes today and I'm fed up. Each one had some kind of hidden function...
  7. thehobbster

    Word of Advice for the Noobs on Expenditures

    I ran a successful music business in my high school and college years where I recorded and mixed for others and myself. I sold all kinds of merchandise for my own music, etc. And in the merchandise, and in the equipment, I started off buying the cheapest stuff possible to increase profit...
  8. thehobbster

    OS X Lion: You mother fucker

    So I snagged Lion today. Here is the gist of it: It converts your computer into a giant iPad if you want. That's about it. If you have a trackpad good for you. If you'll have a touch screen good for you. For the rest of us who still prefer to interface with our machine brethren by the...
  9. thehobbster

    App design: Spoon feed me some links, pweeze

    So me and my patnahs have some ideas for differing apps for mobile devices. What we seem to not be finding in our searches is a decent forum or site that has information about getting this ball rolling. I plan on outsourcing everything but I still need to know the basic overview of the...
  10. thehobbster

    Fucking Pissed Off at Hard Drive Bullshit

    So I have an external hard drive with my iTunes library on it. Close to 10k songs and 200+ movies. I had another 100 movies on my computer's hard drive. I buy two 1 TB hard drives for my Mac Pro and RAID 1 them so I can have a nice back up. So I copy the external iTunes library to the Raid...
  11. thehobbster

    PHP in Wordpress Question

    So here's the deal. I added a banner and blurb of information to the header file so that every page now features this even below the header image and nav bar. I did this because I am mimicking the theme alterations done by someone who is killing it with this design. I figured that they did...
  12. thehobbster

    Bought a server, would rather have rackmount PC

    So here's the deal. Some of you may remember that i bought a server. For some naive ass reason I thought it was going to be short depth like the rest of my rackmount music equipment. It was super deep, like 6 times as deep as everything else. That's issue one. It's not that big of a deal...
  13. thehobbster

    I won a 4 year old domain from auction: won't index....

    So I joined GoDaddy's auctions and won a four year old domain for dirt cheap. I was excited. I waited for it to transfer to me, and I've set up a site and got it rolling. But I've noticed it won't get indexed. Me, being naive, didn't check certain things out quite frankly because I didn't...
  14. thehobbster

    Scrapebox - Limit post #'s for certain urls?

    Sorry for my 2nd Scrapebox question thread. I post my questions like this so others can search and find it, since I wasn't as successful. So I see people offering Scrapebox blasts. My last thread I learned how to tie certain anchors to certain URLs which was a super time saver. So now I...
  15. thehobbster

    Scrapebox - Tie certain anchors to certain URLs?

    So I purchased my own server for home and last night learned how to use Scrapebox. I've scraped about 3000 unique domains with many auto-approve pages on each. I'm ready to hit some of my pages with some backlinks. So I've ordered blog comments in the BST section here, and have had the option...
  16. thehobbster

    Top Level Domains and Differences in Ranking

    I've never played with many domains because I've always been able to find the .com of what I want. That caused me to gloss over any information regarding domains. So now I need some assistance, and I'm sure it's been told 1000x before but I can't find it after searching a ton. I am trying to...