Search results

  1. darbsllim

    Invest your CPA warchest in...

    Hey guys, I know we've had some good informative threads going here in the past year or so on good ways to invest some leftover profits from internet marketing. It's definitely a smart idea not to have all of your eggs in one basket, and to get into some real estate, bullion, guns, ammo, etc...
  2. darbsllim

    I made a movie

    Hey guys, I'm about to start marketing a feature film I made in August 2008, figured I'd drop it on wf so you guy could take a look first =) I used profits from internet marketing to make this thing. There's a preview up here: Videos Posted by The Legend of the Psychotic Forest Ranger: The...
  3. darbsllim

    Need input on new monitors.

    Hey I'm thinking of getting some new monitors to increase productivity and the size of my epeen. Wouldn't mind one of these oled babies, but they are what, 10k for a decent sized one? Has anyone been monitor shopping lately? Know any good deals on 20"-24" monitors. Perhaps some...
  4. darbsllim

    Cat Owners, CatGenie is the shit

    CatGenie, you are the shit - literally. I saw this crazy thing on TV and I was amazed. It's a robotic litter box that is really environmentally safe, and great for people who dread changing the litter box. It is also great for your cats health because most people don't change the litter as...
  5. darbsllim

    Need a blog lander

    Hey I'm looking for someone to design me a sweet looking blog landing page. I don't want a ripoff lander, I'd like something original. Not sure if everyone is using an actual wordpress template for the blogs or if it's just some php/html slicked up to look like that...
  6. darbsllim

    Do you want to be a magnet to money?

    YouTube - I am a magnet to MONEY
  7. darbsllim

    Need a Coffee LP

    I need a landing page themed around coffee and winning coffee. I want it to be a simple click thru to the real landing page, no need to capture any info. I'd like it to be nice and attractive to play on people's fear of loss, ie (hurry before all the coffee is gone! Only 27 coffees left!)...
  8. darbsllim

    Interesting auction on sitepoint

    Well-Established Business | Five Fulltime Employees | 6k+ Pure Profit | Solid No Risk Business it's not mine, but I know a lot of you guys are into this field and might find this a good buy.
  9. darbsllim

    Facebook Reps

    Hey guys, for those of you who have Facebook reps, I have a couple of questions for you. 1) How long do they usually take to answer a question for you (mine's going on 1 week now) 2) Do you find the benefits of a rep outweighs the constant eyeballs on your shit? I wonder if it's harder to...
  10. darbsllim

    100 bones to help me set up Prosper202

    Hey guys, I'm a hands on learner, I need to ask questions, have things explained, etc. I don't learn well by reading or watching videos, so the thought of installing prosper 202 and learning it is daunting. However, I'd like to try it out. So if you are experienced with P202 and you would...
  11. darbsllim

    The solution to not enough time.

    There's a lot of mundane tasks in this biz, and if you haven't thought about hiring a personal assistant at least once, you are a rare breed or you probably aren't working hard enough. A buddy recently told me about (not a dickroll) - it's an online personal assistant service...
  12. darbsllim

    Sky Is Falling! Losing Your Shit? Silver FTW.

    Just a little advice for people who are really killing it right now. Lets say you took some trips, bought some gadgets, paid your taxes and now you have a bit of money left over. What are you going to do with that extra money? Are you going to eat it? Are you going to buy more monitors...
  13. darbsllim

    Facebook's new lax rules

    Wow I wasn't sure how lax the rules became, until I saw this image on the adboard today with an ad: +rep to whoever got that ad approved.
  14. darbsllim

    Freakin addictive game

    I don't know how I came across this game, but I've been playing all freakin day long. I've probably spent about 5 hours on and off playing this today. Desktop Tower Defense Let me know if you get hooked.
  15. darbsllim

    Is there a way to remove something from google results?

    Occasionally I'll get someone who decides to stalk me for some stupid reason and people seem to find a lot of information about me through searching. I decided it's gone far enough when this douchebag started harassing my sister about an ebay auction and then somehow found me through her and...
  16. darbsllim

    who owns

    Does anyone from wickedfire own this page? I saw them advertising somewhere using a creative I made last year for my own campaigns. Not pissed just want to know who's using it The creative is a mac style computer, and on the monitor is a hand holding money.
  17. darbsllim

    Myspace ads - Canada?

    Can you target to Canada yet with MySpace ads?
  18. darbsllim

    My sister won a 2009 Ford Focus

    Hey guys, my sister graduated from Concordia's film school in Montreal last April, and her final project has been winning some amazing awards. It's about an experience she had while she was traveling in Australia and ended up being a nanny for a family where the mother was dying of cancer...
  19. darbsllim

    London Ontario

    Any other W effers from the London, Ontario region? yoink*gasp* and I met up and had some lunch at Jack Astors last year. We talked about our feelings and remote control cars. I wouldn't mind meeting some other guys from the area, maybe we could start a remote control car league.
  20. darbsllim

    Anyone know any mods at Digital Point?

    I'm running 3 logo design contests on digital point right now, and I bumped one of the threads and got banned for it. I got a 10 point infraction which won't be lifted until January 15th. This is a huge overreaction. Freaking hell give me a chance, maybe give me some infraction points and...