Search results

  1. Sharksfan

    Troubleshooting internet timeouts

    I've got a problem with my home setup that is making me crazy. Quite frequently web pages, etc, won't load. I will get an immediate error saying the connection is bad or has timed out. Take a look at these pings done in a row from one of my computers: C:\>ping Pinging...
  2. Sharksfan

    Best spun comment ever

    I was scraping up some stuff earlier for high PR blogs and came across this - someone is giving Sumit a run for his money:
  3. Sharksfan

    Host VPS swtich - Wordpress acting flaky now

    My hosting did a migration and my VPS IP changed over the weekend. My nameservers, etc, took a couple days to propogate. All of my Wordpress sites appear to be working (with one exception) - however, the admin functions and UI are slow as crap. For example, if I activate a new theme the UI...
  4. Sharksfan

    How to re-direct/fix a bad Google index

    I have an EPN/A2P site that is using the Classipress template. That in and of itself shouldn't really affect the issue though - just some background. The page URL in the Google index for this is: hxxp:// I have no idea how that got to be in...
  5. Sharksfan

    Looking for a tool...

    I don't remember if this was a Wordpress plugin, or part of a larger plugin like one of the Review plugins - and I've been searching since last night without finding it... Sometime in the past couple of weeks I read a product/tool description that would allow you to define words to be replaced...
  6. Sharksfan

    Today Show feature - here come the n00bs!

    Did anyone else happen to catch the Today Show today? I hardly ever watch it but I was humoring my wife this morning... They did a segment on a bunch of people earning "Thousands a month by posting videos on Youtube". They then went on to some very select examples of people who all in all...
  7. Sharksfan

    A2P Site question - good idea/bad idea

    I managed to find a local niche in a small metro area (150,000 people) that is VERY easy to rank for. Hell, I haven't even gotten around to finishing the site yet and I'm #11 in Google. Spot #1 has 4 - FOUR! - backlinks. Presumably I am going to knock them off the top spot. While I am...
  8. Sharksfan

    Blog Farm signup

    I've had too much to deal with this week - here's the world's ugliest email list signup. If you replied with interest over in this thread: ...please sign up. If for some...
  9. Sharksfan

    Why I recommend a Master Mind group

    I am a member of a internet marketing master mind group. We meet once a week - I make it about twice a month. The group has varied but I always come away pumped. Tonight is an excellent example of why you should start or join one of these in your city (if you do not know what a MM group is...
  10. Sharksfan

    WF Blog Farm?

    This is just an idea I am playing with...not even sure it is the best idea ever. We all have hosting accounts (many people have multiples...). I also happen to have access to some Enterprise software (costs about $25,000) that can monitor an email account - grab any incoming email, then...
  11. Sharksfan

    WTB: Mailing Lists or referral to a quality broker

    As a side project my business partners and I are going to be doing something soon - I'm not really willing to divulge details but I can say this - we are looking to purchase a mailing list (like yes, ACTUAL USPS MAIL) with the names of business owners in specific areas. If anyone has worked...
  12. Sharksfan

    Newbs: Two Examples of why GoDaddy sucks

    I too am "newb" but I'm not as bad as you. Pay attention. I received an email from GoDaddy today - my hosting account there doesn't expire until October. It offered - for the low, low price of $5 per month PER Wordpress install - to "license" the Askimet plugin to reduce spam. This installs...
  13. Sharksfan

    New VPS- moving multiple Wordpress A2P and other sites

    Quick question for the experienced - I finally upgraded to a VPS (via Volsh). I am going to move a dozen or so Wordpress sites over there to start with. There's a lot more latitude of course with a VPS than with my old crappy shared hosting. So - When you guys do multiple Wordpress blogs...
  14. Sharksfan

    Okay, this sucks

    Got married 5 years ago... Had a daughter 3 years ago... So far so good, right? Two years ago - first attempt at child #2. Miscarriage. One year ago - second attempt at child #2. Miscarriage. On top that I go out of town about a month after the D&C procedure to remove the fetal tissue...
  15. Sharksfan

    Vintage Ad Browser

    I'm posting this here instead of anywhere else since it's more of a brain-storming/novelty tool that a real down and serious marketing tool. You can search/browse old (OLD!) ads and ad copy with this tool. It gave me a couple ideas already. Vintage Ad Browser
  16. Sharksfan

    Dual-or Tri- head KVM?

    I have dealt with crappy KVM's before and I'd like a recommendation if anyone has one. So far I can't find a good answer to this anywhere. I usually run two and often three local boxes. I want to switch to dual monitors, so I need a KVM that allows dual monitors and 2-3 boxes. Any...
  17. Sharksfan

    Men's Team USA Hockey announced today

    This was announced today - I'm excited to see the Olympics. My nephew is playing for Team USA :) I've no tolerance for crowds and never planned on going to Vancouver - but I'm sure looking forward to watching. Team Canada is going to be very strong this year - the top line in the NHL...
  18. Sharksfan

    301 redirect www. to non-www?

    (kind of a repost - to the right forum this time) I have a Wordpress installation that uses the hxxp:// as the URL. hxxp:// will of course re-direct via Wordpress' built in features but I'd rather do it via a 301 redirect in order to fix some backlinking issues...
  19. Sharksfan

    Google search box in SERPS result?

    When did Google start doing this? I don't think I've seen it before today:
  20. Sharksfan

    Celebrity domain name

    I have a relative who is a professional athlete. He plays in the NHL. He's been in for 3 years or so and I was doing some checking today and discovered that - his full name in the xxxxxxx part - is registered by some random dude in California. Naturally the site is parked...