Search results

  1. conv3rsion

    Best Network for Mobile Offers?

    I did a search and didn't find a good answer that was current. Can anyone recommend the number 1 network for mobile offers? Specifically for offers like IQ and ringtones where a user is billed by entering their cellphone number (as opposed to ads targeting mobile devices like the iphone). If...
  2. conv3rsion

    Home Safes

    Anybody got one? Any recommendations? This looks good but I don't think I want to spend 2k on one. Costco - Cannon Safe DX6040 Fire and Security Vault
  3. conv3rsion

    Anyone Else Just Having a Completely Horrible Monday?

    Probably my worst day in 4 months :sadcrying4:
  4. conv3rsion

    World's First Cocaine Bar Opens in Bolivia

    "Tonight we have two types of cocaine; normal for 100 Bolivianos a gram, and strong cocaine for 150 [Bolivianos] a gram." The waiter has just finished taking our drink order of two rum-and-Cokes here in La Paz, Bolivia, and as everybody in this bar knows, he is now offering the main course. The...
  5. conv3rsion

    Wickedfire MMA Thread

    Seems like there are a lot of MMA fans on here so I figured we could have a thread to talk about the sport. Any predictions for UFC 101?
  6. conv3rsion

    How People Spend Their Time

    This is pretty amazing, play with it for a few minutes. How Different Groups Spend Their Day - Interactive Graphic - you can isolate a category (like "working") and alter it based on groups. I find this completely fascinating.
  7. conv3rsion

    Buying Gold Coins

    Anyone here do this and have any experience? I'm not trying to make money with them, just want to get some of my cash into physical in-my-actual-hands gold and I don't know a good way about doing it. Apparently all but $1k+ coins are sold out from the US mint site.
  8. conv3rsion

    Facebook Suggested Friends

    I've been noticing some very strange suggested friends lately on Facebook. Strange because a) they aren't friends with any of my other friends b) I've never made contact with them outside of email, and I haven't done an fb email import in literally years. c) some of them have just joined I'm...
  9. conv3rsion

    Forget about campaign spending budget, how many clicks do YOU go for

    initially testing either a SINGLE keyword or a placement?
  10. conv3rsion

    Zunepass Ad Overkill Much

  11. conv3rsion


    I need some new speakers for my office so I can blast my getting monies musics. Anyone have any recommendations?
  12. conv3rsion

    Click Count Discrepancies

    I'm sure this has been discussed before but I'd like to ask if people could reply with their average click count discrepancy percentage number between what their tracking software tells them and what their networks tells them. I have one network where I am now missing on average over 25% of my...
  13. conv3rsion

    Optimizing Campaigns

    I'd like to optimize some campaigns based on maximum profit. I have several data points for ROI percentage, total impressions, average epc, etc. Is there some software or some other way to use these data points to make predictions on where optimal profit would be found? In a nutshell, I know...
  14. conv3rsion

    Think this guy might be an affilate?

    SEO ROI Services Eric Schmidt Is A Dirty Hypocrite: Google Should Come Clean - Friday Photos Lets see, IQ quizes, berries, colon, google cash, grants...... Get off your fucking soapbox you hypocrite. Or is this just link bait?
  15. conv3rsion

    Hypermediation: Commerce as Clickstream

    Nicholas G. Carr: Articles: Hypermediation: Commerce as Clickstream I found this post (which is a reprint from another article from 2000) interesting for a couple reasons 1) It details a web transaction as it might have occurred circa 2000 (w/o Google for the search for example but still...
  16. conv3rsion

    Hey Dr Oz Lovers

    I was just contacted by Oprah's lawyer for linking to youtube videos from a recent show. The only reference to Oprah on the site were those linked youtube videos. Those of you running landers with much more blatant references, images, domain, ect might want to redo your shit. Just a heads up...
  17. conv3rsion

    What Types of Customer Actions Are You Having The Most Success With?

    Obviously not specific niches or offers, just customer action types you are having the most success with.
  18. conv3rsion

    PPC Campaign Structure

    When you are running an adwords campaign and targeting both content and search, how do you structure your campaign? do you do 1) separate campaigns for content and search 2) same campaign for content and search but separate ad groups 3) same campaign and same adgroup for content and search...
  19. conv3rsion

    Good Business Credit Card?

    Can anyone recommend one? I used to use my bank card directly for Adwords and I would like instead to get a 30 day cushion for cash flow reasons.
  20. conv3rsion

    Just saw chedda gets cheddar ad on a "how to solve a rubiks cube" page.

    That's funny. Cause you know, when I'm trying to figure out my rubiks cube, I'm definitely interested in grants and google cash.