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  1. Wicked Ice

    Elaine Morgan says we evolved from aquatic apes!!

    YouTube - Elaine Morgan says we evolved from aquatic apes
  2. Wicked Ice

    theplace dot bz invites

    i still have 9 invites left for the place dot bz. this is a private torrent tracker for all seduction shit.. if you virgins want to get laid, this is your chance. i will only give invites to regular posters here.. so pm me with your email address for invite.
  3. Wicked Ice

    Terminator: Day Of Reckoning Is Here

    YouTube - Governor: 'Day Of Reckoning Is Here' The question is whether Obama will bailout California.
  4. Wicked Ice

    29 years old, 21 kids, 11 different women

    Edit: This is what we need - more idiots producing more of their kind. Desmond Hatchett fathers 21 children by 11 different women... and he's only 29 | Mail Online By Paul Thompson A man aged 29 has fathered 21 children with 11 different women, it emerged yesterday. Desmond Hatchett's brood...
  5. Wicked Ice

    How many different people have you had sex with in your lifetime? (BE HONEST!)

    Okay guys, time for the truth. How many different people have you had sex with in your lifetime? (BE HONEST!)
  6. Wicked Ice

    Hitmen Hired To Kill Gold Market Major dislocations are coming. Tremendous disruptions are coming. Price discontinuities are coming. Price chart patterns might be rendered useless soon. Last week, the case for a grand Paradigm Shift was made, covering many elements in...
  7. Wicked Ice

    Lost Vegas Eviction

    YouTube - Lost Vegas: Vanguard
  8. Wicked Ice

    Skyscrapers are selling at rock bottom price!

    You know your country is fucked when things go this way. If I had known about this, I would pay gladly double that amount. $500,000,000 Skyscraper in heart of NYC Sells for $100,000
  9. Wicked Ice

    [TED] Mary Roach: 10 things you didn't know about orgasm

    I have always liked these smart MILF types myself. Check out the next Dirty Jobs at about 12 minutes in. YouTube - Mary Roach: 10 things you didn't know about orgasm She was a bit nervous in front of the audience (natural occurrence). That's why she was moving around unguided across the stage...
  10. Wicked Ice

    $100M T-Shirt Success Story

    Here's their story as told on their web site: "1989, Bert and John Jacobs designed their first tee shirt. They knew nothing about the business. For five years, the brothers hawked tee shirts in the streets of Boston and traveled the East Coast, selling door-to-door in college dormitories." And...
  11. Wicked Ice

    Be An Executioneer, Motha Fucker!

    by Derek Sivers It's so funny when I hear people being so protective of ideas. (People who want me to sign an nda to tell me the simplest idea.) To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions. Explanation: Awful idea = -1 Weak...
  12. Wicked Ice

    Whats on your CTRL + V ?

    Post your CTRL V here. Here's mine.. swine flu fear
  13. Wicked Ice


    This guy is a champion, eh? YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
  14. Wicked Ice

    Facebook is NOT for kiddies..

    How Facebook addiction is damaging your child's brain: A leading neuroscientist's chilling warning By Baroness Susan Greenfield Can you imagine a world without long-term relationships, where people are unable to understand the consequences of their actions or empathise with one another? Such...
  15. Wicked Ice

    Why it is so hard to stay focused these days?

    Please, Pay Attention Why it is so hard to stay focused these days—and what to do about it. By DAVID G. MYERS With so many things now demanding our attention -- emails, Web sites, BlackBerry alerts, incoming text messages, Twitter tweets, Facebook updates, blogs, stock updates, and old-...
  16. Wicked Ice

    Pirate Bay founders found guilty

    A court in Sweden has jailed four men behind The Pirate Bay (TPB), the world's most high-profile file-sharing website. Frederik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Carl Lundstrom and Peter Sunde were found guilty of breaking copyright law and were...
  17. Wicked Ice

    Hedge Fund to Pizza Delivery

    YouTube - ABC 20/20 Hedge Fund to Pizza Delivery
  18. Wicked Ice

    Scenes from the recession

    Scenes from the recession - The Big Picture - Are things so bad in the states? Geez.. We don't feel it yet here.. in Singapore..
  19. Wicked Ice

    A Boss Who Tells It Like It Is

    I got this in my mailbox. Thought I should share it with you wicked guys...
  20. Wicked Ice

    Amit Mehta gay

    PPC Classroom 2.0 - Secrets of a $2.4 Million PPC Affiliate (not aff link) It’s true. According to The New York Times, in 2007 Steven Ballmer made total compensation of $1,279,821. And yes, that includes his base salary, cash bonus, perks, stock and option awards. The whole enchilada…...