Search results

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    Alcohol, Cocaine, Weed + Marijuana = ????

    Police: Rodney King's 'accidental drowning' involved drugs - LuLz.... report is out
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    niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccc cccccceeeeeeeee

    Teacher Accused of Having Group Sex With Students on Video | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo!
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    So my 8/12/12 day consisted of swimming with sharks. We saw only leopard sharks and 2 blues. Going out on a boat 8/19/12 and we're expecting makos. I didn't have my good D7000 setup because of a fucked off o-ring, but I had my brothers go-pro. Ill post back with pix/vid within 24-48hours for...
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    Maybe they should just go out of business?

    Postal Service reports $5.2B loss in 3rd quarter - Yahoo! News I mean statements, bills, notices etc can be done by email now right? Leave physical products to UPS/FEDEX and force e-billing only? Y'all see this theory as a pro or con?
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    What part of ILLEGAL do they not understand??

    Deferred action program could legalize 1.8 million young immigrants | The Lookout - Yahoo! News
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    another shooting

    Shooting at Sikh temple: 7 dead, including suspected gunman, police say | The Lookout - Yahoo! News Although I see this as a reason to allow americans to carry guns (like arizona law), I know the libs will be pushing to control guns more due to the recent shootings. People would probably think...
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    Rich people problems...

    ........I wake up (before I begin; bought a new house which I started moving into 20/7/12) and decide to go get a new washer/dryer set in which I did around 11am this morning, fucking went to home depot 3 fuckin times and still don't have the right parts (I'm not stupid, just obviously forgot...
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    7/26/12 - Obama signs negro nonsense..

    Obama asks public schools to ignore bad behavior by black students - Charleston Charleston Conservative | 7/26/12 Obama signs black bills. Poor blacks... Never had the ability to succeed in life (despite black only college funds and one actually being president now). So much...
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    More Gun Control....

    White House gives cool welcome to bill restricting online ammo sales | The Ticket - Yahoo! News More Gun Control...
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    Gayest video of all time - Family Guy

    David Bowie & Mick Jagger - Dancing In The Street - YouTube Watching family guy... Peter ends this video by saying; "That happened and we all let it happen" I was like under 10 (born 84). For you older guys, was this shit really cool in the 80s? Just... insane.
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    Before It's News Obamacare, page 1,0001 Paragraph 1. They fail to mention this part in the anti-christ jew controlled media? Discuss... “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might...
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    Godaddy : Domain Renewal $21.67, seriously?

    Title. Discuss. I mean its not like its 'breaking the bank', but I coulda sworn registering the names were cheaper.
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    Someone Explain...

    I thought girls didn't do this? I saw some thread here about how some dood caught her doing such a thing and I couldn't find it. Someone pm this dirty broad and set her straight. My post being on the bottom obviously
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    Rockstar: Relax - who tried it?

    So when I walk into the stores, theres literally an assload of energy drinks. I rarely get them, as it tends to fuck me off pretty good. Anyhow, I bought 2 rockstars for $3.00 and it's this "rockstar relax". Aparently it has no caffein and it's filled with bullshit to calm your ass down...
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    All CPUs down at midnight?

    source: Deadline expires for So I didn't see this in the STS or affiliate section. I was fucking around Saturday and was listening to Leo Laporte on AM640. He was yappin about this. But although I could give a shit about people's computer going down, what he said about this was pretty...
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    4th of July thread - whatta fucks doing?

    I'll start, going to the river tomorrow for a week. The casinos allow fireworks 365 so ill be droppin $$$ and having a shitload of fun. For those of you in our communist, liberal pos country - whatya doing?
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    Drunk + Mountains + ???? = LoL

    So was at my mountain pad last night - a bunch of us got wasted. We went out and found 4 scorpions, 2 camel spiders and a few other bugs. We threw em all in a bowl and guess who's guy won the fight? Mine bitches... His name was blackie due to his black dot. What now? felt compelled to...
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    aye! who's got a fuckin boat?

    Just bought this shit. never had a 4 person towable before, thought I'd post. Who's got one?
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    Warning: Don't open this link... I told ya... don't do it...

    I was looking for a certain tank top on fucking ebay and found this shit: disclaimer: Don't click here. WTF? Seriously? I'm pretty sure thats taint hair on the bottom left pic. Thought I'd share this with this gay webmaster forum
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    Shit, I think im going jail... Part 2

    ....think im going to jail again, hence my need to share it with my w/f brethren. Let us all pray tonight that herr Dresden covered his tracks. One of my brothers got jumped last night and came in @ 1am with blood coming from his left eye (ended up getting stiches, was jumped - wasnt from his...