Search results

  1. metoo

    Track Conversion Of Multiple Pre Sell Pages?

    Imagine this set up: is the main website for product 1. is my own domain which sells my own product. - = pre sell page for product 1 (which sells at - = a different pre sell page for product 1 (which sells at How would you track the...
  2. metoo

    Looking For An Old Mens Acai LP...

    A while back there was this mens Acai product - might have been acai force / acai force max etc. It had a LP with a big guy holding a kettlebell on it, and the colour scheme was red and black. Do you have a copy of this, or a link to it? I've tried the wayback machine for multiple urls but it's...
  3. metoo

    USA SMS Inbox Online?

    Do you know how to get an online inbox for a USA phone number? I'm trying to verify a Google checkout account but want it in USD so I have to register with a USA location. I can receive the payments but is there a way to receive sms texts to a USA phone number online, without me having an...
  4. metoo

    Can You Make Me A Photoshop Action Script for PS CS2?

    Here's the image I want to build: Just want to be able to create a flat label and run the script to get this bottle. Please note the lighting and shading on the label. I can do this myself but I'm short on time so handing it out right now. Contact me quickly pls, and I can send you the...
  5. metoo

    Are Rebills Still At It (+ Acai Warehouse Video)?

    A while back there was this whole shit storm about CPA rebills etc, and the FTC clamping down on sites like that. But what's the latest? Please - I don't wanna hear a whole argument for and against dropping someone into a free trial rebill which then dings them for $87 * 3 for, products...
  6. metoo

    Promoting Car Security Systems?

    I'm trying to promote a physical item which is a car security system that allows you to track your car if it gets stolen. I'm not sure how to go about promoting something like this though. I was thinking adwords but the cost and competition there is crazy, for something like this. Then I was...
  7. metoo

    Don't Buy A Mac? Wow.

    Click to see the image (don't wanna wreck the forum width etc):
  8. metoo

    Stair Surfing (With No Mattress)

  9. metoo

    Whats Up With This Site?

    I've been messing with a wordpress blog and promoting it via Adwords, as a test. Now, I'm no stranger to building sites with a high quality score, even 10/10 QS in some of my campaigns. But this site just keeps dropping to a 1/10. It's got link to outside authority sites, privacy policy...
  10. metoo

    What Email Client Do You Use?

    I'm just upgrading to Win7 and noticed Outlook Express is gone. Yep, I loved it, but it's super slow. So I wondered what you use? I'm looking for something that can manage, etc and keep them all in a clean identity. So if I log into the ID of, I can only see...
  11. metoo

    Need Tips For Vegas Stag - Help!

    So my buddy is getting married and we're flying to Vegas for 5 nights. Not really sure how stags are done in the US, but where I'm from we basically screw the guy over and enjoy the rest of the evening. Do you call them stags even? Bachelor nights - I dunno, help pls! Last time I went to Vegas...
  12. metoo

    What Was That Wagenheim Video?

    Do you remember this video posted in the Wagenheim photoshop thread? It was a pic of Wags and the video showed a woman giving a conference. She was speaking a foreign language and the video had subtitles. She went on to say how this person has saved our race, is a hero and then pulls the pic...
  13. metoo

    Can't Stop Watching This Video!

    Haven't seen this for years, but man it is SO funny - I keep coming back to it: YouTube - Next Friday - Puff Puff Give
  14. metoo

    Product Sellers Forum?

    So I just started selling a lil limited rebill product of my own. Nothing like the CPA stuff you see, this is like a 5 part product on a stupid subject that a few people might wanna know about (and which I happen to know about). High customer satisfaction. High stick rates (from tests). In...
  15. metoo

    Weight Loss Conversion Drops - Hardcore

    I've been promoting a weight loss offer since November 2009. Back then it was converting at 11% = profitable. Today it's converting at around 3% = not profitable. The competition seems to be pretty much stable. Traffic sources are the same. Keywords are the same. I know NY resoloutions etc all...
  16. metoo

    Change All Links In All Webpages?

    You have It has a lot of pages and sub-directories. You just bought a new domain You want all the content of to be on But the html pages of all say the site name in the links, headers, title tags etc. How do you change all references to...
  17. metoo

    Google Drops Sponsored SE Listings

    First time I ever seen that little sponsored listing at the top (apparently it's a lot cheaper as well - for now):
  18. metoo Scraper?

    I'm trying to throw up a few tests real quick. I need to find merchants who are ok with bidding on their trademarked terms and direct linking. Is there a quick way to find these? Some sort of scraper, or search term which brings them up maybe? I've found a few with AffiliateFuture. But I'm also...
  19. metoo

    Google *IS* Taking Over

    People, seriously, WTF is this? <Google, looking at planet Earth>: Nice planet. WE'LL TAKE IT. Official Google Blog: Think big with a gig: Our experimental fiber network These guys are going to be stealing all our data and banking off it sooner or later. Damn... EDIT: Shit I didn't know...
  20. metoo

    Clickbank Stealth - Fake Stats Fail!?!

    So I hear (repeatedly) a new product has launched. But low and behold, are these guys blatantly posting images of fake CB stats?? What do you think..? Things that make me say hmmmmmmnn... And they've got loads of other errors all over their page. Like they were in a serious rush...