Search results

  1. metoo

    Just Dropped My CPU Core Temp by 50C In 5 Mins

    So I randomly open up CPUz/CPUID and am looking at my stats, as I've had my computer on for a while, and it runs slower then expected once in a while. Turns out my CPU core temp is running at approx 98C across all 4 cores (i7 chip), all fans spinning at 100% capacity! It turns off at 100C so I'm...
  2. metoo

    Guy Threatens Us & I'm Annoyed At MYSELF

    So last night I'm with a friend and we've just come out of a club. There's some guy/girl jealousy going on and my friend is involved (an ex bf is mad at my friend for hanging out with his ex gf). Of 3 strange guys, one guy drags away the ex bf involved, on their side. That leaves behind one...
  3. metoo

    How To Edit Currency In Photoshop?

    I'm trying to edit a fan of $20 notes for the dvd cover of a project I'm working on. I'm using an action script as well. Somehow I can save the image in PS. But when I use the action script, I get told I'm not allowed to edit currency, and it wont produce the dvd cover. How do I get around...
  4. metoo

    Which Program Created These Graphics in Video?

    The graphics appear at 0:50 - 1:10. The video is at the top of this Kickstarter page: Radiate Athletics: The Future of Sports Apparel by Radiate Athletics — Kickstarter What video editing program is used to create graphics like that?
  5. metoo

    Real Image To Illustration in Photoshop?

    Does anyone know how to make a regular digital image look like this using Photoshop: I've seriously been trying for ages and it's driving me crazy. In the above dig image it actually looks like it's drawn on paper (esp the umbrella parts). I've tried LucisArt, Pixel Bender, Perfect Effects...
  6. metoo

    Visualisation + Goal Cards = Success?

    I was listening to a program from Bob Proctor (You Were Born Rich) where he mentions the book 'Think and Grow Rich'. He mentions if you write a goal (which he even refers to as a lie) on a card and read it often enough, it can become true. So the idea is you write your goal on a card and it...
  7. metoo

    Advertise To High Net Worth Males - Serious

    I'm partnering on a new project which will be targeting male HNWI's in a popular city. It's a high touch project with a $3k per day, $16k per week, $49k per month price tag. Realisticly, each customer will need a weeks service, but some may choose for longer. Where do I begin advertising a...
  8. metoo

    Have You Ever Broken / Cracked A Rib? Serious

    After a stupid home incident, I think I may have broken/cracked my rib. Just under my right pec, to the right side (think upper obliques). Have you ever experienced a broken/damaged rib? How long was it before it felt better or healed? No lie, my side was in a little pain, but after some light...
  9. metoo

    Vegas NYE @ TAO - HELP/Fixer Needed! Can you help?

    Do you have contacts in Vegas? I need help to book a table at Tao, for NYE this year. Approx 10 - 14 people. At least 7 females in the group. Happy to spread the group across 2/3 tables, if they're all together. Can you do a better deal then Tao directly, via your contacts? If so, pls PM me...
  10. metoo

    Do You Know A Font Like This?

  11. metoo

    Non US Credit For USA Direct Site Buys

    I have $5k to test some direct banner buys. I have an offer I have managed to get profitable. I understand I can do a $5k buy. And I can also set it at $100 a day for an initial test. But I don't fancy dropping the entire $5k then waiting 3 months for $4.5k to be returned to me. This will slow...
  12. metoo

    Auto Foam On Your Beer..!

    Flat beer or super wow!?! SPARKLING Beer Mug (No Battery) - YouTube
  13. metoo

    Google thinks this page is low quality..!

    Ok I'm seriously confused. Any page I try to add in the Google Display Network seems to come out as 'too low quality score to be shown' etc. In the display network! So I tried an experiement with this page: Low-fat diet: Google still tells me that my landing page has a too low quality to be...
  14. metoo

    Keeping Adwords Account Clean (VPS/VPN)

    I've searched around for this, but haven't found an answer so far. I'm trying to create a new Adwords account that I want to be kept away from my MCC Adwords accounts. If I use a VPN I think my cookies etc stil link my accounts together, right? I know I could clear them every time, but if I...
  15. metoo

    Can Copy & Paste Be Automated?

    Say you have an email application and need to copy and paste an address into a firefox window. Address in the email app look like: John Doe 123 Wicked Lane Internetville Computer Town 12345 But it has to be copied into a text field, one which says first name, last name, address line 1, line 2...
  16. metoo

    POF Ads Wear Out Too Quickly?

    I've been making a couple of bucks using POF. I've finally started getting CTR's of over 0.1% but when I do the ads only last a week. After that they need to be changed up. 1. Is there an simple way to stay on top of this? 2. Where are good places to source potential free images from?
  17. metoo

    Am I Infringing A Trademark?

    Say there is a trademark on a name 'Eat Cook'. And say it's a low calorie weight loss program that has been trademarked. Now, say I was to create a product called 'Eat Cook Helper'. It's to assist people on low calorie diets, to keep up their energy levels. Is that infringement? What about a...
  18. metoo

    I Don't Want Her To Stay At My Place...

    A few months ago, I got a new place which I live in with my gf. Now, another female friend of mine wants to come and visit, and she's asked if she can stay over while she visits. The thing is, I've known this girl for a while, and once she gets her foot in the door, I know she'll always assume...
  19. metoo

    Do They Check Your Optins?

    Say you had an optin list. You were advertising it via PPC, FB, POF etc. Then you wanted to run the optins to a frowned upon lp (say flog, farticle etc). Do reviewers actually test to see where your optin list sends people, once they have opted in?
  20. metoo

    Wow - Someome Hates Google...

    Was just reading this article: Can Google Get Its Mojo Back? I know AOL bought TC and they have this thing against Google, but this is so public. Funny thing is, I believe Google's arrogance will/is causing their downfall...