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  1. popeye


    Ok I just tried to login to a blog I have and POW!! Instead of my wordpress blog, all I have is a fuckin video capture of "two girls one cup". I am not up on all the haxor methods and whatnot. How the hell do they hack me? I use ran various virus/spyware scans, use roboform (so no keylog), use...
  2. popeye

    What Ever Happend To BYA??

    Wicked Fire is kinda like a radio station when a DJ is fired. One day you wake up turn on the radio and the DJ is gone and no one ever mentions them again. I found BYA kinda entertaining and was wondering where the hell he went...if anyone knows??
  3. popeye

    Gmail and Blogger Creator

    I had seen a thread a while ago with someone pushing a very expensive gmail account maker. This prog cheap,ugly and bulky but it works. You can bulk create gmail and blogger accts. EDIT: This is a demo but you can create some accounts and get the idea
  4. popeye

    Hiring a programer

    No hacks please! only competent programmers please. Since Privates are screwed please email me at
  5. popeye

    Don't play Company Of Heros - OF

    WTF. I finally make enough monthly in AM to stay at home in the day away from my mortgage company and what do I Opposing Front all day long. This game is sweet as hell. EDIT: My fav is the British they are so fun to play
  6. popeye

    Can I Bitch Too?

    Ive seen a few threads rantin on big G and stuff so I thought I would do my own rant on Squidoo. I had 5 lens ranking in the top 5 in a particular niche in Google and Yahoo. I have always been a mortgage man but since the subprime market went belly up I said screw mortgages and have found...
  7. popeye

    Best programing language to learn?

    So I have decided I will go back to school at night and recieve a degree in a programing language. This will not only help me in my AM efforts but it should give me something to fall back if need be. What is the best and most profitable degree to have in this field? What would help my AM the...
  8. popeye

    OMG the Hottest Boobs!!

    BOOBS for EVERYONE!!!!
  9. popeye

    looking to hire a SEO master!

    I am in needing to hire an seo master to optimize a blog I have already ranked on yahoo for a medium niche. PM for more information. BTW please no amatuer SEO fools...I already am an amatuer SEO fool so I need the help of a pro. Thanks
  10. popeye

    Offline Ads For Mortgage Leads Revised

    I posted several weeks ago concerning offline advertising with mortgage leads. The post recieved some interest so I decided to post a new method that I am using that is getting me better response than before. If you remember the post I do all my mortgage lead generation through offline...
  11. popeye

    Girlfriends are WTF

    Ok im sittin here listen to metallica on volume 10 and checking my earnings for the day and I'm all pumped and what not. Then my GF comes along and checks out what I'm doing and says "damn honey..good day..give me some money im goin shopping". I say no all this cash is going back in my business...
  12. popeye

    I need a software programmer

    I am needing to hire a very capable programmer for a software product I need completed. PM me for details
  13. popeye

    Make money in mortgages with no PPC

    This forum kicks ass so I have decided that I wanted to contribute a system I use to generate cash with mortgage leads using no expensive PPC. I am a former owner of a mortgage company and have used this system for several years to generate very good income. Here We go! STEP ONE - You first...
  14. popeye

    OTC Drug Affiliate Programs

    Does anyone know of any good affiliate programs for OTC drugs? Edit:besides turned me down
  15. popeye

    Want In Google Top 3 "Hot Spot"

    Elli is the freakin master. USfreeads + S.Q.U.I.R.T = number 3 in google in a medium niche. Im getting around 400 uniques a day now and only submiited it 4 days ago. Anyways I am stil selling S.Q.U.I.R.T submissions for 5$ a URL or 10$ for 3 URLs. PM me for details.
  16. popeye

    software with your web site embedded

    have your very own software program that when setup and executed will open to your web site. This program is small and contains it own setup. This works great in getting traffic to your landing page. Submit this small program to the software directories and get a huge boost in traffic to...
  17. popeye

    S.Q.U.I.R.T Tool Submission 5$

    okay gota help pay my montly fee so I will submit your site on the S.Q.U.I.R.T Tool for 5$ paid to paypal. I will send screen shot of the submission once completed. PM me if interested.