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  1. popeye

    Ouch Obama!

    How you like the old man up in your grille? Obama looked weak and un-effective! Take your whippin like a good Liberal!
  2. popeye

    Vote Dems Get Free Money!

    I left out a little part of Grandma Pelosi's, Reed and Obama's plan. Most of this is sent to idiots that dont even pay taxes. A good ole welfare check!!!! Pelosi raises idea of $150 billion stimulus bill - we can't afford to pump this kind of money into our faltering system...
  3. popeye

    Why is this man bulletproof? What more evidence is needed that obama is not fit to run our country?
  4. popeye

    How is Obama going to win?

    How's this guy gona win? The only people I know that are going to vote for him are the kids on a couple of forums like this one and the African Americans at the state fair last weekend wearing Obama/Tupac devotion shirts.
  5. popeye

    Gay, Destroyer Of Nations

    If this was a Republican he would have his gay balls in a sling by the Democrates and the corrupt left wing press! but he is a Democrat, so I guess all is well. Breaking News | Latest News | Current News -
  6. popeye

    Finally GOP acting like the GOP!

    Democrats want to send out a second stimulus package and the republicans are resisting. What I don't understand how can the Democrats call it a stimulus package when it contained food stamp give outs?? How in the hell do they think that handing out food stamps and extending benifits for the...
  7. popeye

    Any Good Incentivizable Offers

    Anyone know of any networks that offer Incentivizable CPA. I would be willing to sign up under someone for a good company.
  8. popeye

    Advice on selling profitable network of sites

    I have recently ran into a situation where I will no longer be able to maintain a small network of profitable sites I own. These sites point to one affiliate offer and has been for the last year. All of these sites earn totally on organic traffic. The average profit from these sites monthly...
  9. popeye

    Crazy Liberals At It Again!

    The surge in Iraq is working. Even the leftist NY Times have aknowledged this. So who does the third in command of the U.S. give credit to? IRAN! Yes Grandma Peloci coudn't give credit to the troops on the ground or the generals that are planning the sucessful stratigies. She credited the...
  10. popeye

    Even More Fun With Craigs and Cars!

    I used to make >$500 a month messing with Craigs List and car ads. Here is what I did: 1) Find pics of nice "in demand" cars 2) Posted ads in various cities advertising cars at great discounts 3) Auto-response from G-mail "vacation" setting sent them to my landing page 4) landing page was...
  11. popeye

    You ever seen a 5k Ebook?

    BHW has some fools that are selling a fucking ebook for 5k. From what it looks like it's a course on how to scam affilate networks. Of course the admin is giving "raved" reviews of it, so they are getting their cut as well. What a fuckin bunch of scammers. I would love to see some of the more...
  12. popeye

    Welcome To The U.S. Comrade!

    I just don't understand Liberals at all. Government should socialize the oil companies?!?!?! The government (including executive) that we currently have is a complete and utter fail. YouTube - Waters: SocializeThe Oil Industry
  13. popeye

    Would you rather??

    pay $7 for a gallon of gas or drill ANWR? and lower the price by half within a few years.
  14. popeye

    New Obsession! /b/-Random. Its like watching a damn carwreak with multiple fatalities. Yea Im lame I just found this site.
  15. popeye

    Why would anyone on this forum be a democrat??

    Obama has stated that anyone that makes over 100k will recieve a massive tax increase. How can any successfull IM support this?? That is unless you are a poser/wannabe. Any successful business person will vote for anyone agaisnt the party of entitelment. SAY NO TO TAKING YOUR MONEY AND...
  16. popeye

    Anyone else think Wheezer rules?

    I have had about 12 more drinks than I should have. I am currently rockin out to old school Wheezer. Anyone else thinks Wheez is the shit???
  17. popeye

    Barack Obama Will Require You To Work?

    Yea another political thread. I finished work a little early and was looking for some substantial policy from Obama or his wife. Well needless to say I didn't find any policy outside of the normal crap that all democrats spew, but I did find this quote from his militant wife: Quote from...
  18. popeye

    Obama - Gay, Crack Head, Man-HO?

    If this is true, the republicans "might" maintain the Whitehouse barack Obama Gay Sex and drug use | Drudge Retort
  19. popeye

    WTF! Obama May Call In Attorneys

    Obama may send attorneys after California because they are stating alot of voters were confused and didn't get to vote. I sure hope these Dem fools don't try to pull all this attorney shit like they did in 2000. If you are to fuckin stupid to vote once you are at the polling station, then you...
  20. popeye

    Software you can't live without?

    Besides your OS, browser and normal stuff, what is the one piece of software that you could not live without? Mine would be Roboform