Search results

  1. Drake

    Speaking of shooting shit - Crysis Demo is out!

    Its out. Its nice but not as nice as I was hoping. I hope the real game is better. I hope they are sandbagging a bit. The trucks suck at driving, not as fun to drive as the first one. Shooting trees and buildings is cool. Throwing barrels at people is a blast. I have an AMD X2 4400 Dual CPU,2...
  2. Drake

    Today is the day. Donate $100 at

    America, it used to mean so much. Growing up there I could not imagine life anywhere else or why anyone would ever live want to live anywhere else. Of course living on the border I saw people braving 100s of miles of desert just for a chance in America. I was young, maybe foolish but it...
  3. Drake

    Planning on a multiuser WH Blog setup - WPMU?

    I did the search for WPMU but did not see much recently. I will be setting up a MU Blog setup for different anonymous people. Not friends, coworkers, or family. Just random people. If it goes viral it might take off. I bet I will get at least 100 blogs in the first month. I know some people...
  4. Drake

    Apple totally changes, will open iPhone & Touch to 3rd Party Apps

    I really think they were noticing everyone doing an about face on what they thought about how to make an environment for these flat touchscreen devices. Everyone was starting to talk about blackberries again and the next iPhone knockoff from China. Apple loosens grip on iPhone software -
  5. Drake

    Yahoos new Search Suggest and integrated results is live

    It is going more Google like at Yahoo in the results and the search box now suggests phrases. See it at a Yahoo near you. Or read at: Media Biz Yahoo gets serious about search « Youtube and Web 2.0 stuff showing in the top 10 often... but not too much
  6. Drake

    And they say chivalry is dead - More Tazering...

    Another tazering in the news. Protect and serve now means use electric torture instead of muscle power to detain the "bad guys". In this case an overweight sack of shit tazers a lady... umm 7 times. Ohio cop on leave after video shows woman being hit by stun gun -
  7. Drake

    Record Sale for .info domain - Can you guess the industry?

    If you guessed PORN you are right. $202,000 for Auction Details:
  8. Drake

    I had to use DP - Top 5 stupid thread titles found now

    Ok just now I had to go to Digital Point to jack my post number so I look like a real user. After holding down the vomit I just had to tell some real webmasters about how stupid some of the threads are. I am sure you don't want to read the whole posts so here are just the titles: 1) Real time...
  9. Drake

    100th Post means...

    It's been a fun few months and to pay back a bit here goes: Rep me if you like 'em suckas...:love-smiley-085: