Search results

  1. L

    WTF has someone got in their sig.... Crunchi?

    Go to this thread.. It asks for a username and password for a restricted area at Crossblack .com - I thought I'd clicked on something, but no... Crunchi has that site in his sig... image in restricted area or something...
  2. L

    WordPress bug - help!

    Just installed WP for a new site and it's being really strange... I couldn't delete 'hello world' - it seemed to delete, but on refresh was still there. (Managed to get rid with suicide) I can't go into the code part for posts and pages only WYSIWYG. I can't add categories... Never had it do...
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    2 .nets for $10 at GoDaddy

    I know a lot of people don't like/trust GoDaddy, but just got emailed this and thought some of ya might be interested. 2 .nets for $10 - code gdm0702 (cheeky aff link - go on, be nice! :D)
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    SQUIRT submission packages for sale - dirt cheap!

    I wasn't going to sell my spare SQUIRTS, but due to bank problems I could really do with some cash in my Paypal account so am offering a limited number of packages. Eli has stated he is ok with SQUIRT sales. 10 SQUIRTS for $15/£7 20 SQUIRTS for $25/£12 50 SQUIRTS for $45/£22 (yeah, it's...
  5. L

    No internet for the next week...

    I'm fuckin off to Glastonbury tomorrow :D - 6 days in a field! :music06: :smokin: :updown: They prob have got internet cafes there now (wouldn't surprise me)... but I can live without it! Gonna miss you guys and all the WF drama! :nopenope:
  6. L

    Import large db script (useful for SQUIRTERS!)

    Found this nice little script, imports large sql databases with ease! BigDump: The Staggered MySQL Dump Importer Seems to have worked perfectly with the 600Mb lyric db. Ok, it's prob easy to write isn't it? I don't know - it was easy to find! :D
  7. L

    SQUIRT Swap Shop! Wanna trade?

    I don't think my personal squirting is going to be anywhere near the limit and I don't really want to sell my squirts, so I thought I'd go with the bartering thing (being a hippy 'n all!) and see if anyone's interested in trading something for them. Maybe content, programming, directory...
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    AuctionAds down?

    Their site seems to be down, ads have disappeared from my sites.... wtf's going on?!
  9. L

    eVo/e-play - Myspace meets Miniclip with MLM??

    Anyone heard of eVo/e-play? From what I can gather this thing is social networking combined with cash online games, it launches mid July... eVo It's from Virtual World Direct who have been running e-Lottery - a UK/Europe lottery syndicate system - for years. e-Lottery *seems* to be a decent...
  10. L

    Database to RSS/XML

    I'm looking to take articles from SQL dbs and produce RSS feeds, with some control over the number of articles pulled and the timestamps (say 5 a day or something - I guess this would need to use a cron job?) There seems to be a quite a few solutions out there for this, but I just wondered if...
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    Wildcard DNS

    I need to setup wildcard dns and am currently only using shared hosting. The main guys I'm with disappointingly haven't replied to emails - they've been great until now :( I've got another account, and I know they can do it but don't really want to use them for anything which might have a high...
  12. L

    Threads being deleted!

    What the fuck is going on? I just went to reply on the thread about Christian affiliate marketing - spent a while writing out a constructive response. Hit post and it's gone! I've had other threads come up my reader, only to go there and find them gone... why are people being censored? I...
  13. L

    Someone won a Wii!!

    Mike from Firelead just got me to do a draw for them... I won't disclose the winner... but congrats mate! Vid here: Firelead Prize Draw at The Lazy Hippy - Ethical Internet Marketing
  14. L

    Glastonbury Festival!

    Any UK peeps going to Glasto next week? It'll be my 9th one this year... can't fuckin wait. It means a week away from WF and the internet.... but oh well, with all the great music, drugs and randomness I'm sure I can live without the net for a while! Really lookin forward to seeing some of...
  15. L

    AuctionAds - opinions wanted!!

    Ok, what do you really think of AuctionAds? - personal opinions of Shoemoney aside! They state they give 100% of commission to affiliates (here - no post to the contrary since), but don't give us full reporting to confirm this (I want to see purchase amounts, similar to CJ). To do this they...
  16. L

    Buying co-operatives - would this work?

    Ok, this is an idea that's been floating round in my head for a few days. Basically if more than one person wants the same service they get together and buy it as a sort of buying co-op. I guess it might work for design work, but I'm thinking more programming. There's some scripts I need to get...
  17. L

    Anyone a Be Unlimited affiliate? (easy money!)

    I'm just about to switch my internet over to these guys (24mg :D): If anyone promotes them give me a link and I'll use it! Please tell me who they are with too - can't find it anywhere and they aren't on uswitch and the other (apparently impartial) comparison sites...
  18. L

    Limiting results in RSS feeds

    I'm trying to integrate eBay RSS feeds into a site and having problems as there doesn't seem to be a way to limit the amount of items it shows. I was hoping I could just add a parameter to the url to limit it to x number of items - after a lot of searching this doesn't seem possible. So I'm...
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    Bot chat popups - do people really fall for this?

    I just went to check out an offer on Copeac, as I went to leave their landing page a chat window popped up: Blatantly lying to people is pretty shitty in my opinion. I know people are dumb, but do they really fall for this?
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    Microsoft is paying $6bn (£3bn) to buy digital marketing firm Aquantive

    Just saw this and thought it might interest some of you. BBC NEWS | Business | Microsoft buys ad firm for $6bn