Search results

  1. L

    Where's the fuckin "new posts" button gone?

    Is it just me, or has the "new posts" button disappeared? Is this part of the changes? If so, what's the score? Only paying members have a "new posts" button? (and everyone is fucked til monday?) I waste too much time here as it is without having to go through different sections.... what a...
  2. L

    3 Months free VPS hosting!

    I've been looking at different VPS options and came across a deal I thought worth sharing. Don't get too excited, it's nothing amazing, but it is free. :D Jumpline VDS (aff*) - Virtual dedicated server (seems to be like a VPS, although possibly with some limitations, definitely better than...
  3. L

    Affiliate Summit, London.

    Affiliate Summit London Ok, who's going next week? Up for a few beers? Anyone know of any parties and stuff? I've had an email about the one the night before. Not really dealt with them but they seem very serious (Tesco is an advertiser...) could be cool though I guess, unless anyone...
  4. L

    .htaccess (or ht.acl) on WAMP

    Just can't seem to get this working... any experts about? My httpd.conf file didn't have an AccessFileName entry as everyone seems to suggest it should have. I added one and have been trying to get an ht.acl file working (as can't create .htaccess)... no luck so far. Anyone got any tips on...
  5. L

    I'm not really a patriotic sports fan but...

    England 3 Israel 0 - Football, Euro 2008 (Why do Israel play in Europe anyway?) England 28 USA 10 - Rugby World Cup England 4 India 3 - Cricket, one-day series :D
  6. L

    Free, unlimited online storage.

    Anyone use 123-drive? They seem pretty good. At the mo it's free and unlimited and apparently completely confidential (hmmm). I've used these guys (Pipex/123-reg) as an ISP and for domains, no probs with the domain side, but they are shit as an ISP - so fuckin unreliable. Hope they are running...
  7. L

    Charity Auction: Buy my sig, help some kids.

    Jumping on the sig-selling bandwagon, this is an auction for my signature here for October in aid of WarChild - a charity helping kids that really need help. The winner can put anything they like in my signature (within WickedFire rules), up to 1000 characters, minus about 30 I want to keep to...
  8. L

    Anyone here like Nine Inch Nails, Smashing Pumpkins or the Chili Peppers?

    C U Next Tuesday, fuckers! :D // C A R L I N G // W E E K E N D // R E A D I N G //
  9. L

    This guy is a fuckin genius!

    Must take weeks of editing! Imagine/Walk on the Wild Side <object height="350" width="425"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="350" width="425"></object> Sunday Bloody Sunday <object height="350" width="425">...
  10. L

    I fuckin love Faithless!

    Have these guys made it over the pond yet? Like Pink Floyd, they are one of the few bands that can make great music with lyrics that really say something. If you've not heard of them or seen the vids and like thought-provoking music I really recommend checking them out. Just watched the video...
  11. L

    Will the WickedFire roadshow be at ASUK?

    Jon, are you bringing the show to the UK next month? How about another plasma TV give away?
  12. L

    Any smartphone recommendations?

    I need a new phone and as I'm using mine for checking emails etc more often am looking for a smartphone/PDA type job. To be used as a mini-pc. I'm going to buy second hand on eBay (don't want a contract, or to pay £400 for a phone that I might not like and will lose money if I resell). Around...
  13. L

    DB to YACG script/hook (very basic.. my first script! :D)

    I'm been trying to learn php and make something useful and this is what I've come up with so far. These scripts will import (2 fields of) a database into YACG. I know this is really really basic stuff but hopefully they might be of use to anyone else new to this, the basics of them can be used...
  14. L

    Playing the game?

    Imagine if you knew that a certain very popular site had just started using a certain size adsense image ad... Imagine if you knew the keywords that would be relevant to that site... and how random (and cheap) they might be... Imagine if you just happened to have a good idea of the sort of...
  15. L

    Writing and mathematics...

    Just got an email from EzineArticles...maybe some of you got the same... Why should you consider writing articles in the 500+ word range? Writing less than 500 words makes it difficult to deliver on the promises you made in the article title. Increases chances that your readers will have...
  16. L

    Learn php the stoner way....

    This site has been posted here before, but just listen to the first 3 minutes of this..... PHP Video Tutorial Variables :rasta: :stonedsmilie: This guy is great! Better than some dull O'Reilly book.. :D
  17. L

    And Now For Something Completely Different...

    <object height="350" width="425"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="350" width="425"></object> Not watched any of these for ages, but the new section name got be wanting a Python fix! Figured this was the most...
  18. L

    Anyone up for a UK piss... er meet up?

    So the Yanks have had their fun in Miami... it'd be kinda nice to meet up with some of the UK peeps on here.. do I bit of serious drinking.. I mean networking! If anyone's up for it (and sees this thread before it gets buried) leave a reply with ya location if it's not in ya profile and we'll...
  19. L

    Why do some sites think I'm in Prague?

    Really can't work this out, I'm not using a proxy yet sometimes some sites think I'm in the Czech Republic! Usually it doesn't seem to cause any probs.. odd figures on stats and stuff... but sometimes it goes very wrong. Just deleted cookies and now Google has defaulted to
  20. L

    Here ya go! Bit of something for everyone!

    Well, except Aden... sorry mate, I couldn't bring myself to go lookin!